After Procedure Summary

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Procedure: To transplant a human head onto a headless elf’s body. The body is to be stolen from an elf of high healing magic potency. Fusing the head and body together by healing magic. With Dr. Lucy, being the head of the scientific research who started this project.

   Result: The body had convulsions, rejection to the new body, and severe coma of the subject. Soon, the body was stabilized with “anti-paralysis” potions and calming magic to soothe the subject. Three months later, while the subject was still in the coma, the body of the subject had lost wrinkles and looked younger. [Hypothesis: The mana, dna, and anatomy of the elves may extend to more than just the race themselves. Which could lead to many other races to live longer as well. Though the convulsions of the procedure were harrowing, and could’ve killed the subject if not taken care of at the early stages of the seizure presumably].

   Though the body may have been growing younger, the soul of the two bodies started to conflict. As a magician had said the original human was not a magic user, saying that this experiment could create a new system of magic. As the veins of the subject seemed to gather mana into its veins, pumping along the flow of blood. As well conflicting with the human head, making it a defective magic user. A magic user that may not be able to control magic around them like normal wizards. Yet it can be more innate in absorbing magic around them. As if the mana is what is causing the blood and organs to flow correctly in a certain death situation. Causing what is known as Rigor Mortis void, despite it being based on a technological level. Lastly, it was the fact that tears fell.

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