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Steve picked up Natasha, who was unconscious and the trio quickly made their escape as STRIKE agents arrived to the scene. The trio moved gracefully through what was left and managed to leave without being spotted. It wasn't until halfway to their destination when Natasha came to and Steve let her walk two minutes later. The trio only stopped to rest once, hiding in an alley way so no one would see them. Maggie had no idea where they were going, since Steve was the one leading them.

"Hey, Steve?" Maggie asked, gaining the blonde's attention. "Where exactly are we going? What's the plan now?"

"You'll understand when we get there," was all Steve said.

A couple minutes later, they were on the move again and didn't stop unto they arrived to their destination. Steve had led Maggie and Natasha to the back door of a person's house and the blonde knocked on the door.

To Maggie's surprise, Sam Wilson answered the door looking just as surprised as her. He stared at the group before him, noticing that all three of them looked like hell while he had just come home from his morning run.

"Hey," Sam greeted, still surprised.

"I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low," Steve started.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us," Natasha said

Sam paused a moment before replying with, "Not everyone."

Sam let's them enter, Maggie giving him a soft "thank you" she got inside the house. Steve immediately offered to take the couch while Natasha and Maggie took the bedrooms. The trio made immediate use of the bathrooms, Steve took one while Maggie let Natasha use the other one first. Natasha tried not to take most of the hot water so the half-demon could have it.

Maggie immediately hopped in after Natasha got out, wanting to get clean and then get out. The quicker she got herself cleaned up, the quicker she avoided the visions she already had before. Especially about the purple man on the throne and the future of everyone she loved and the new friends she'd make along the way.

The visions of the man she saw in her dreams flashed before eyes before she turned off the water and got dressed in clean clothes. Every time she saw him, the more she yearned to get closer to him. To be with him again. Hell, just to see him again.

When she got out of the shower, she walked into the bedroom Natasha was in. The redhead sat on the bed drying her hair with a towel. Steve looked at her with concern, but Maggie was able to put on a fake smile. Natasha, however, looked she was in a sad daze.

Maggie had never seen her so sad. The redhead had lost Fury and her the only home she had in such a short amount of time. She had been less fortunate than Maggie, and that made the caster realize she wasn't the only one hurting.

"You two okay?" Steve asked both women

Maggie looked up at the super soldier and gave a nod as her answer. Honestly, she was missing her parents, more than she did everyday and especially after seeing her parent's portraits at Camp Lehigh. She also missed Fury and Coulson and constantly annoying them with her odd shenanigans. God, how much she felt that everything she touched ended up dying. And yet she still remained.

"I'm gonna go see if Sam needs help with breakfast," Maggie excused herself, knowing that Steve and Natasha needed to talk one on one.

The caster walked out of the bedroom and relied on the sent of bacon to lead her to the kitchen. Sam was still in running clothes as he placed freshly cooked bacon and eggs on a plate.

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