8 - Friends, Old and New.

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"Sir Shinonome, is that really you!?" Tsukasa gasped. "Do you two know each other?" Rui asked. "Yeah, we used to work together in the Asahina kingdom before I left" said Akito. Toya went to stand beside him. "To answer your question, darling, yes, they're here" Toya implied jokingly. "Dear? Darling?" Rui and Tsukasa exchanged looks. "Ah, sorry, this is Akito Shinonome, an ex Asahina kingdom knight, my personal guard, and fiance" Toya told them. "Fiance? Wow Shinonome!" Tsukasa exclaimed. "You can't say anything, Tenma, we're even" He joked. Toya and Rui both looked at their partners fondly. Rui then turned his head to Toya. "I love how you were so judgemental towards Tsukasa for being an ex-Asahina knight when you're quite literally engaged to one" Rui half-joked. "Ah, my apologies, it's just sort of instinct" Toya apologised again. "Mhm, I'm sure" Rui responded sarcastically. "Why don't you two go catch up and we'll go sort out this bonding stuff?" Toya suggested. "Alright" Akito knelt down and kissed his prince on the hand. "Akito.." Toya blushed. "Shush, it's etiquette" Akito grinned at him. Tsukasa glanced at Rui. "Don't even"

"Well, as Sir Shinonome just pointed out, it's etiquette~" Rui said flirtatiously. Tsukasa sighed and reluctantly bent down on one knee and kissed Ruis hand. "Happy?"

"Very, thank you darling" He smiled. "Shall we get going then?" Toya asked. "Of course, sorry" Rui and Toya walked out of the room chatting about their Kingdoms, leaving their knights alone in the throne room. "Wanna go to the gardens?"

The two boys directed their way towards the garden, Akito telling Tsukasa about how he was still finding it hard to navigate through the castle.

The gardens were stunning. Brightly coloured flowers adorning the perimeter. Rose bushes scattered evenly throughout, bright, shining sunflowers along the path, and the overwhelming colours and scents made the area feel unreal. "This is-" Tsukasa's mouth was held agape at the sight. "Pretty impressive, huh? It somehow stays natually beautiful,, which makes the place feel extra magical" Akito told him. Considering the once-beautiful Asahina kingdom gardens were now overgrown and unattended to, this place seemed like paradise to the two knights. "Wow.." Tsukasa muttered. He turned to Akito. "Is this the kingdom that your sister insisted on moving too!?" He asked. "Yeah, she's here now too, she came one week after I left, only because she fell for one of the knights here" Akito explained. "You can't say much, you fell for the Kingdoms prince" Tsukasa laughed. "Neither can you!? As I mentioned earlier, we're even, actually, no, you fell for one too, not to mention how he's now a king?!" He protested. "True.."

They spent a lot of time wandering the gardens in laps, telling each other the things that the other had missed within the last few weeks. "And then he-"

Suddenly an arm was swung over Akitos shoulder, drifting the focus of the conversation. "Hey lil bro!~" The figure greeted. "Who's this?" They turned to Tsukasa. The person had short pink hair tied up in a side ponytail and was wearing a pristine white uniform, similar to Tsukasas but identical to Akitos, the only difference was the extra lace, frills and bow on the stranger's uniform. "This is Sir Tsukasa Tenma, an old acquaintance of mine" Akito sighed. The other knight's eyes widened. "From the Asahina Kingdom?" They exclaimed. "Yes, but now hes with king Kamishiro of-"

"The Hidden Forest! She interrupted him "Man, I've always wanted to go there!"

Tsukasa just let out a nervous chuckle. all of this was very awkward for him "Ah sorry, this is Mizuki Akiyama, one of this kingdom's knights, and somehow the Knight my sister fell for.." Said Akito. Mizuki stuck out their tongue at Akito "You're just mad that your sister loves me more than she loves you~" She sneered "Well..." Tsukasa tried to break the growing tension "It's lovely to meet you, Akiyama" He smiled. "Likewise, Tenma" The three of them stood awkwardly on the path.

"So... how come you're visiting the Aoyagi Kingdom? Is the King with you?" Mizuki asked. Hearing Rui be referred to as "King' so many times was starting to make Tsukasa's head hurt. He had never actually thought as deeply as that he was married to a King, despite the many times that Rui suggested that Tsukasa rule alongside him. "Yeah, he's with Prince Toya discussing some legal stuff and he asked me to join him while he travelled, technically i'm his personal guard" He said. "Cool, I'm only here annoying you guys because I wanted to know who the pretty blonde guy was, and also because Ena was busy painting" Mizuki explained. "No no, you're not annoying!" Tsukasa offered reassuringly, choosing to slide past the slight compliment. He would thank Mizuki later. "Dude, don't lie like that, Mizuki, you are VERY annoying" Akito grunted. "Aw! Thanks, lil bro! Can't wait to hear you say that at my and your sisters wedding~" Mizuki teased. "I won't allow you her hand in marriage" He smiled eerily. "I won't tell you when I propose then!"

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