10 - Till Death Do We Part.

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Rui wandered the halls of his home trying to find something to do. He was bored out of mind with Mafuyu and Tsukasa being gone and Nene busy elsewhere. But surely that boredness wouldn't last long. He had much to plan for the new bond. And he didn't stay bored for long, except he was beginning to wish that he was still bored rather than what he was now.

Nene came running up to him, out of breath and holding a scroll in her hands. "This.. urgent... greed.. Mafuyu.." She panted. Rui gave her a concerned look before opening "Did you read it already?" He asked suspiciously. "I had to, it had originally been sealed with one of her stamps" Nene pleaded. Rui hesitantly read the paper, eyes widening at every cursed cursive ink line.

To King Kamishiro,

actually, Just Rui will do, from Queen to King I'm sure you wont mind.

By the way, you poor young soul, did you really think that I'm that stupid not to put a spell barrier around my Kingdom's border? Though I must admit Tenmas letter was very heartwarming, unfortunately for him, he led me straight to him and my dear Mafuyu, thank you for "taking care" of her by the way but both her and Tenma are back where they should be now.

If you wish to negotiate about it come to Kingdom by 3pm in three days from now, I will be awaiting your arrival, since you wouldn't want to lose another person you love, no?

-Queen Asahina

"I've really jinxed myself this time..."

Rui paced the small area of hallway in which the two were standing, muttering to himself. "I told him it was safe. I told him it was hidden well ugh I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot..."

"Rui!" "Nene snapped him out of his daze. "What was on Tsukasa's letter?" she asked. "Well, he was just telling his sister that he found a kingdom that he was safe in and hopefully she and his mother could join him, he also mentioned the Aoyagi Kingdom, but didn't specify where any of this was" He explained. "It's kinda obvious where he is though I mean, south is too far so that rules out Lust and Sloth, its obvious he didn't go to gluttony, so that leaves here and pride apart from Envy, so take a wild guess, Rui" She pondered. "Besides, what other kingdom would even be able to know that much about Envy's safety other than here?"

Rui crouched down and put his hands over his face in annoyance. "I'm going to get him back, him and Mafuyu" He demanded. "I thought so, when are you leaving?"

"First thing tomorrow, there's no point in going now because by the time I get there she probably wouldn't even look at me" Rui heaved a sigh. "She really is a greedy weasel of a woman, isn't she?, I mean, she wouldn't let either of them just live freely" He remarked. "I suppose her kingdom is called greed for a reason" Nene said. "I'm going to do some work, talk to you later" He shuffled past her and headed for his study. His mind was blank, he could barely focus, Tsukasa's name rang throughout his mind constantly, which followed up to him getting very little sleep that night.

Despite the lack of sleep slowly creeping up on him, Rui got up early in the morning, hooded himself with a cloak, and left without a trace. He knew what he had to do, even if it got him killed. As he began to approach the border, he could feel the nervousness growing in him. After all, he was only a young king who was going to face a queen who had been reigning a lot longer than he had and had much more experience. But he was going to do this, he was going to save Mafuyu and Tsukasa.

Opening the black pearly gates using his magic, he was officially over the border. It wasn't far to the castle from here. Galloping on his horse through the surrounding town area, Rui noticed that there were very few people around. The place seemed like a ghost town. Nevertheless, he continued his journey. Approaching closer to the pristine, elegant, marble palace, he could see everyone gathered around what seemed to be a small stage outside the palace walls, was there a show happening? Pulling his hood further over his head, he joined the crowd trying to figure out the what was going on. He couldn't be seen, Queen Asahina had probably fed so many lies about him to her people, that he probably seemed like the devil to them. Out of the tip of his ear he heard it, the sentence that gave this 'visit' a whole new meaning.. This was, in fact, a show.. of Tsukasa's execution.

Rui desperately tried to push to the front while everyone slowly moved a few steps back, fear sticking to them. Queen Asahina had appeared on the castle's balcony joined by what seemed to be a shell of the was-mafuyu. She held a small microphone in her hand, addressing her subjects. "Thank you all for gathering" She began.

"As much as it breaks my heart to do this. Tsukasa Tenma has shown a great example of treason and its consequences. You may have noticed that the princess is here beside me,but it seems that she did not run, but was kidnapped by King Rui Kamishiro of the Hidden Forest, in which Sir Tsukasa Tenma was associating himself with! I hope that this explains to you the reason for my choice and another cause of the current attacks being carried out in that kingdom". Her face showed of a false hurt. None of this was true, but yet she was inflicting more fear and lies on her people. Tsukasa's family would be watching him die, unaware of these lies. She smiled bittersweetly. "Bring him out"

Tsukasa was guided onto the wooden platform, a woven straw bag already placed over his face, followed by a pole with a noose rope hanging from it. His head was placed through the gap and he was told say his last words.

"As horrible as it sounds" He spoke calmly and collectively. "I am in love with King Rui Kamishiro, always have always will. And these words you are being told are lies, you can't believe her. The princess did run, because of the cruelty her mother forced upon her. If I am to die, I am going to show these lies before I go. This kingdom needs a rebellion against this monarchy, and I know that many other kingdoms across the continent would love to help fund it. Do not let me die in vain, let me die knowing that I changed this kingdom's view on the Hidden Forest, to stop the war, to stop Queen Asahina. Serving you all has been the greatest wish I could ask for, but with that I could not keep my secret for much longer, I want the world to know how much I love you, Rui. If you're listening, find me in our next life, ok?" He took a quick pause. "As for my mother and sister, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for letting you down and thank you for everything. Saki, I hope you find the happiness that you oh so deserve, and mother I hope that you find what has been missing in your life, I love you both so much " No one could see, but there were tears rolling down his cheeks. This wasn't how he intended to go out. He was going to be known as a rebel, not a hero, but it was too late for redemption. Wails and cries could be heard from the left of the audience, could that be his family? There was no time to think about that now. Rui needed to stay composed and get under the stage to catch Tsukasa before the rope tightened around his neck.

"Aw, how sweet, an ending of lies" Queen Asahina clapped her hands together and stared murderously at her guards.

"Kill him"

The floor dropped from beneath Tsukasa in an instant. Rui lunged himself forward, there was no way he could make it. It was too late. His lover was dead, hanging above his view. With the sudden movement, Rui's hood had fallen down revealing his identity to everyone and before he could fix it, he heard three arrows being shot and everything suddenly turned black.

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