Cand ei le prind cantand

205 18 7

Nico pov

Yey! In sfarsit e sambata! Credeam ca nu mai vine weekendul! Am invitat-o pe Maya la mine si i-am zis lui Leo sa stea departe de casa mea! De ce? Pentru ca voi avea un concurs de karaoke cu cea mai buna prietena a mea! Urmeaza sa se incinga lucrurile!

Tocmai imi asezasem sistemul de karaoke, cand aud bataie nostra specifica la usa.

-Maya!!!!am tipat eu deschizand usa si sarind in bratele Mayei.

-Hey si tie!a raspuns ea clar sufocata, imi plac imbratisarile, ce pot sa zic! :)

Ne-am instalat gustarile pe masa din sufragerie si am pornit jocul, inchizandu-ne telefoanele. Amandoua ne-am anuntat iubitii ca in seara asta suntem ocupate, deci seara asta era numai a noastra!

-Bun, care incepe?am intrebat eu.

-O las pe sefa prima!a ras Maya.

-Ha ha ha!am ras eu sarcastic si mi-am ales o melodie.

-Doamnelor si domnilor inexistenti, v-o prezentam pe Nico Maroy cu melodia Hey Mama!a luat Maya peria de par pe post de microfon si m-a prezentat, apoi mi-a predat "microfonul".

-Be my woman girl, and I'll be your man
Be my woman girl, and I'll be your man

Yes I'll be your woman
Yes I'll be your baby
Yes I'll be whatever that you tell me when you're ready
Yes I'll be your girl, forever your lady
You ain't ever gotta worry, I'm down for you baby

Best believe that, when you need that
I'll provide that, you will always have it
I'll be on deck, keep it in check
When you need that, I'ma let you have it

Leo pov

Doar nu era sa o las nesupravegheata o seara intreaga pe Nico, tin prea mult la ea si in plus are caracteristica de a intra in probleme! Este asa de frumoasa incat cine stie ce ciudati se uita la ea! Am ajuns la apartamentul ei si am auzit muzica. M-am uitat pe geam si am auzit cine canta: ea! Era cu prietena ei si canta! Vai ce voce frumoasa are!

-Beating my drum like dum di-di-day
I like the dirty rhythm you play
I wanna hear you callin' my name
Like, hey ma ma, mama, hey ma, mama
Banging the drum like dum di-di-day
I know you want it in the worst way
I wanna hear you callin' my name
Like, hey ma ma, mama, hey ma, mama

Be my woman girl, and I'll be your man
Be my woman girl, and I'll be your man

Yes I do the cooking
Yes I do the cleaning
Plus I keep the na-na real sweet for your eating
Yes you be the boss and yes I be respecting
Whatever that you tell me cause it's game you be spitting

Frate, ce as fi vrut sa imi zica mie toate astea! Acum pur si simplu stateam si ma holbam la cum danseaza prin casa si canta la o perie de par. Ce perfecta e....

-Best believe that, when you need that
I'll provide that, you will always have it
I'll be on deck, keep it in check
When you need that, I'ma let you have it

Beating my drum like dum di-di-day
I like the dirty rhythm you play
I wanna hear you callin' my name
Like, hey ma ma, mama, hey ma, mama
Banging the drum like dum di-di-day
I know you want it in the worst way
I wanna hear you callin' my name
Like, hey ma ma, mama, hey ma, mama

Be my woman girl, and I'll be your man
Be my woman girl, and I'll be your man

Whole crew got the juice
Your dick came the truth
My screams is the proof
Them other dudes get the deuce
When I speed in the coupe
Leavin' this interview
It ain't nothing new
I been fucking with you
None of them bitches ain't taking you
Just tell 'em to make a U
That's how it be
I come first like debut

Okay....chiar vreau sa imi cante partea asta cand suntem numai noi doi!

-So baby when you need that
Gimme the word, I'm no good
I'll be bad for my baby

Make sure that he's getting his share
Make sure that his baby take care
Make sure I'm on my toes, on my knees
Keep him pleased, rub him down
Be a lady and a freak

Beating my drum like dum di-di-day
I like the dirty rhythm you play
I wanna hear you callin' my name
Like, hey ma ma, mama, hey ma, mama
Banging the drum like dum di-di-day
I know you want it in the worst way
I wanna hear you callin' my name
Like, hey ma ma, mama, hey ma, mama

Be my woman girl, and I'll be your man
Be my woman girl, and I'll be your man

Nu o sa uit niciodata faza asta! Lasa ca o sa vada ea maine ce o sa mai vorbim!

Maya pov

Dupa ce a terminat Nico de cantat, urma ea sa ma prezinte pe mine.

-Mersi sunteti un public extraordinare, a inceput ea sa faca plecaciuni spectatorilor imaginari, incetati cu aplauzele, stiu ca sunt fantastica ma faceti sa rosesc. Acum urmeaza inegalabila Maya cu melodia Unconditionally. Sa aud aplauze!!! am luat peria de par si am inceput sa cant.

-Oh no, did I get too close oh?
Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?
All your insecurities
All the dirty laundry
Never made me blink one time

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally


Mare a fost surpriza sa ma intalnesc cu Leo spionandu-si iubita, nu pot sa il condam si eu faceam la fel, l-am salutat si am ascultat, tare mult mi-as fi dorit sa imi dedice mie melodia asta. Stateam si ma uitam cum danseaza prin camera, tinand peria de par. Nu m-am abtinut sa nu o filmez pe ascuns.

-Come just as you are to me
Don't need apologies
Know that you are unworthy
I'll take your bad days with your good
Walk through this storm I would
I'd do it all because I love you, I love you

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally

So open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart, and just let it begin
Open up your heart, and just let it begin
Open up your heart
Acceptance is the key to be
To be truly free
Will you do the same for me?

Chiar asteptam ziua de maine sa ii arat toate filmarea.

-Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
And there is no fear now
Let go and just be free
'Cause I will love you unconditionally (oh yeah)

I will love you
I will love you
I will love you unconditïonally

Era perfect.....

Nico:"Dragilor sper ca va placut,seara inca nu s-a terminat!!!"

Maya:"Avem o gama variata de cantece care o sa va bucure seara!"

Sa sti ca ai dreptate....

Nico pov

Ne-am continuat seara de karaoke cantand impreuna melodiile Anaconda, Dark horse, This is how we do, Love is an open door, All hands on deck, Love me like you do, Give you what you like si nu in ultimul rand, Diamonds! Cea mai tare seara ever!

Leo pov

Nu cred! Donnie a filmat tot! O sa ne uitam la filmarea asta de mii de ori, clar! Mai ales la melodia Anaconda! Ce mai dans! :)

Viata mea cu o testoasa (TMNT fan fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum