After 20 years.
We can see a beautiful palace which looks like which is created by lord himself.
As we move inside we can see a hall room where a king is seated on the throne and looking at the guests who came.
King: राज्यों की सभी रानियों का स्वागत है, कृपया बैठें।
(Welcome to the all the Queen's of kingdoms please be seated.)
Queen1: प्रणीपत महाराज|
(Pranipat Maharaj.)
Queen2: महाराज आप ने हम सब को यहाँ क्यों भुलाया है?
(Maharaj why you called us here?)
King: देवी वह मेरी बड़ी माँ है. वह यहां आपकी उपस्थिति चाहती है.