The job(might be short\Markingson being a simp)

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Markingson POV:
I take Carson to my house after school,and he won't stop admiring my house."It's so nice,beautiful,graceful-"and so on."Thank you-"he kept admiring it,and wouln' stop talking.So I kissed him.He looked at me in shock,and confusion."I know,and you don't need to keep complmenting it.I should be the one complimenting you"I winked after,and he blushed.I picked him up,and carried him to the living room.I sat him down on the couch,and then he looked at me."What time is it?"his hazle eyes,and beautiful face made me zone out.He waved his hand in front of my face,and made me snap back into reality."10:45 A.M"he then stood up quickly grabbing his bag."Whereis the restroom?" "Down the hall to the left"I answered before he ran to the bathroom.Twenty-two minutes later he walked back into the living room wearing a stripper outfit,heels,make-up,and while carring his bag.He stood thee awkwardly as I look at him in awe."You look-...Beautiful,and I hate it"he looked down."Wait I didn't mean it like that"I looked down embarressed."Come on we need to go."I looked at him confused."My job"."Yea I toatally rememeber.."he look at me with a dumbfounded face."Just come on,Carson"I took him to my car outside,and opened the door for him.

He got inside the car,and I closed the door before getting into the driver seat.I started to drive,and Carson started to sing along to he lyrics on the radio."Nice voice you got there."he playfully rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.He started to scroll on his phone,and then made an annoyed groan.I thought he was mad at me for making him late,"Whats wrong?"."I have double time since a big company is coming,and there is discounts on drinks so it's going to be a bit cramped in there."I then made an o shape with my mouth.Why are you like this Welburg.We arrive at the club,and boy was it cramped.I had to park a few streets from the club,and then I got out of the car opening the door for Carson."You know I have arms right?"he sounded annoyed,but I knew he was being playful."I know,but a princess like you should get princess treatment."he chuckled at my words.I walked him into the club,and it was loud."You talked about a company right?"he nodded."hmm,I wonder when the rest of them will get here?"he looked at me slightly confused."What do you mean "the rest of them?"I smirked."I own that "company" Carson,and it's not a company...It's a mafia gang."he looked at me shocked."Carson I told you I was a mafia boss at school!"he looked down biting his lower lip while thinking which is usual,and normal to me sincehe does it all the time at school ."Oh,I did"I sighed as he smiled.One of my men walked over to me,and we started to talk.

I took at glance at Carson who was playing with the fuzzy fluff that was on his bag.He is way to damn cute.I continue to talk to my men,and when I glanced at Carson a man was grabbing his arm about to pull him away.I grabbed Carson befor that man could pull him away."What the fuck do you think your're doing?"I ask the man coldly."Hey he's suppose to give me a dance tonight!"my men looked at him closely incase he tries to makes a move."Mark,it's ok.."Carson said softly."Are you sure?"he then nodded.I gave the man a glare before he pulled Carson into a booth,and closed the curtins.I continue to talk to my men,and I notice Carson wasn't inthe booth with that man some minutes later.I decided to think that he was busy,and I continued to talk to my men.About 3 hours later I told my men to bring Carson out after his shift,and I walked outside,and into my car.

Five hours later my men is dragging Carson outside as he is stumbiling around,and saying random things.They tossed him inside the back seat,and he layed down singing a song off key.He is drunk."Carson how much did you have?"I say as two of my men sit beside Carson looking foward."uhmmm..How ever many women,and men you pl-played."his words slurred,and I sighed."Carson tell me."he started to count his fingers."Uhmmmm..3"I sighed in frustration."Three glasses won't get you drunk"he looked at me confused."I never said glasses."I look at him with a shocked face."Then what did you have!?"he played with his fingers."Bottles of Vodka."I look at him surprised."BOTTLES!Carson are you crazy!?"he looked at me mad."Hmph"I drove him to my house,and carried him up to my room placing him onto my bed."Stay here I'm going to the store to get medicine for you."he still looked mad.I placed a small trashbag beside him.I then walked out of the room closing the door behind me.I hope he doesn't get into any trouble.
902 words(not including the outro,but I'll incclude that later-_-)new record!I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.I noticed my reader count,and THANK YOU!T-T...Q&A is comingup so put questions in the comment sectionUuUhave a good day!....948 words including this.

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