1. How it all started

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The Kudos have returned to Japan.

He didn't know why, but he had been in the attic, observing movements in the neighborhood, as usual, when he saw the taxi pulling in front of the Manor, and the famous Kudo couple stepped out.

"Welcome home" - he said as he greeted them at the doorstep, still in his Subaru disguise.

"Ah, Akai-kun. It's been a long time" - Yukiko hugged him a bit too enthusiastically, while the other man just smiled and nodded.

"What brought you here, in the middle of the night? How's your flight?" - he asked as he made them some tea.

"We're good" - Yukiko answered as the two sat down at the dining table.

"Actually, we have something important to talk to you" - Yusaku said and they both seemed more serious.

He raised an eyebrow. He seemed very important if both of them were back like this.

"Are you free now?"

Okay. They even wanted to get it over right now.

"Yes, I am. Tomorrow's weekend anyway."

He put the pot of tea on the table and poured them each a cup before sitting down.

There was a moment of silence as the owner of the Manor sipped their tea, seeming to look for the right words. Finally, Yusaku talked.

"We wanted another arrangement for Shinichi"

Oh. What was he supposed to say? Yes, he had known Conan was Shinichi for a while. But what did it have to do with him?

"That last encounter with the organization has been too close. I'm scared for his safety" - Yukiko said.

They were talking about that time when Shinichi had cornered an organization member alone and gotten caught in a shower of bullets. Fortunately, Furuya Rei, that PSB agent, caught wind of it and got him out of the line of fire in time, but he was seen. Akai, who had tracked the boy down with a spare pair of glasses from Dr. Agasa, got there in time and killed that member on the spot with his rifle. It was a mess, Conan was hospitalized for more than a week, but the PSB had it handled. That event probably shocked the couple to the core if they were here discussing it with him. Rei's cover has also nearly been blown.

"You could take him back to the US"

"He refused to be. He said that was his case, and he wasn't leaving until it was closed. Furthermore, we're not sure if letting him be even more associated with the Kudos would be a good idea" - Yukiko said worriedly.

"Well, what do you have in mind?"

"We want a cover, a perfect one." - Yusaku said.

Akai just stayed quiet for him to continue.

"We want you, as Okiya Subaru, to adopt him"

Well, he did widen his eyes at that, and that is a serious thing if you know anything about the man.



"We know it's shocking" - Yukiko said - "It sounded like a crazy idea to us too"

Because it was crazy!

"But think about this. Okiya Subaru is just a student, who shouldn't be associated with any of this mess. Furthermore, with you with Shin-chan, he could be himself, not having to act like a child. Meanwhile, your cover has more credibility, and you can even get help from him for some of your missions. You are one of the very few people we trust to do this." - she tried to persuade him.

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