🌈 Chapter 10 ~ Crystal and Escapee 🌈

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Now onto the story..

Y/N's Pov:

I would be in another dream, I would be in a void like state as I walk around there's nothing but black, I continue walking and I bump into something, It's the crystal, I look up at it confused, It shrinks down to Hand size and falls into my hands as I just stare at it. I actually found it, But no this is just a dream.. none of this is real right?.. I look at the crystal as rainbow spiral pattern practically glow at me from my view.

I wake up and quickly sit up, My hair all fuzzy, I look back down at my hands and the crystal is still there, I squeal in joy that I have actually found it after 3 weeks! I get up and get ready for work and I walk out my dorm with the crystal in my left pocket of my lab coat. As I practically prance down the hall I enter my office and my happy mood is gone as I see the pile of paperwork on my desk.

I sit down at my desk and begin to work on the papers as I get a buzz on my phone, I turn on my phone to see Wally texted me.

✨ Coffee Addict ✨

Wally: Assistant can you get me some coffee

Of course :Me

I put away my phone and get up from my desk completely forgetting about the crystal in my pocket that seems to be glowing multiple colours, I don't mind that as I go down to the elevator to the first floor, I get the coffee from the break room where most of my friends are chilling, and I go back up to the fourth floor. I knock on Wally's door, "Come in" I hear him mutter, I open the door, "I got you your coffee" I mumble, He would look from from his work for a second then back down to the paperwork, "Put it on my desk.." he groans, and I place it on his desk.

Walden's Pov:

I would look up to Y/N from my work, I look at their pretty E/C eyes then quickly back down to my work, Am I really falling for my assistant?.. I can't be, "Put it on my desk.." I groan as I continue working on the task at hand. Suddenly alarms begin to go off throughout the factory, ' Code red, Code red ' I hear the AI voice states, ' going into lockdown, Remain calm ' Says the AI voice. "Oh for fuck sake.." I mumble pinching the bridge of my nose, I quickly get up from my desk and speed walk past Y/N out my office, Y/N follows.

I pull out a radio and speak into it, "What experiment escaped?.." I grunt as I only here static from the other side, Then click! Someone on the receiving end awnser's, "Wally hii! The no named experiment we found down in the remains of the factory that attacked Y/N is going on a rampage" I hear a Sassy voice on the otherside, Oh for fuck sake.. "Sally?! How did you get this radio" I yell, "Chill Wally! So yeah you know how I said the inky thing went on a rampage? This is a radio off a dead worker because I kinda lost my radio.. Sooo yeah bye!!" Click! I hear static again.

I grunt in anger and crush the radio in my protstetic hand, and I look back at Y/N, "Okay we are getting you to the break room where probably most staff are hiding right now while me and the security deal with this shit." I grab Y/N's hand as we dash towards, And down the steps instead of the elevator Incase if the creature is taking that. As we run down the stairs Y/N falls behind not being able to run as fast as me. "Assistant fucking pick up the pace if you don't want to be the creatures next meal!" I yell two flights of stairs down from them, "Boss I can't go any faster than this!" They complain.

I groan and run back up the stairs to where they are, Swiftly pick them up bridal style
And continue dashing down the stairwell. We make it to the first floor, and I.. softly, Open the breakroom door and place them down in there, Where suprisingly only Julie, Sally, Barnaby, Poppy, Frank, Eddie and Howdy are in there.

Y/N's Pov:

Wally kicks down the break room door with a loud BANG! scaring all the people in the room and throwing me in there so Howdy catches me, my heart would be pounding so fast as I processed what just happened from the stairwell to now, Howdy would put me down as Wally ran out to go deal with the creature, We all close the door again and lock it and we wait for this to end.


Afew moment later of playing UNO with everyone Wally bursts back in and locks the door quickly, He is injured with a cut on his face and a gash in his non-prothstetic arm. Poppy quickly tends to his injurys as we hear banging on the door, Sally starts walking towards the door to unlock it but Wally's head snaps towards her, "Sally you fat fuck use your brain and try to think who that is! That's the creature!" He would shout as Poppy bandages his arm up. Sally would quickly back away from the door as the banging got louder and louder. Then the door would break down and we would see the disfigured inky mess that was supposed to look like Walden.

(A/N: I posted this at 2Am in the morning ✨
Words: 988)

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