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Jackie was in her room and I followed her inside.

"Hey Jackie." I said softly

"Hey" she said

She was hiding under her covers like she would do when she was a baby.

"Jackie I know it's hard staying here but we will get through this together. It's going to get better." I said to her

"And hey, at least we aren't alone in this right? I wouldn't know what to do without you Jackie, I think you are the only person who can calm me down when I get really angry, like when I was about to beat the shit out of that Erin girl." I said

Jackie let out a small laugh that made me smile.

She got out of the covers and stuck her arms out so I could hug her.

I took a step back because it seemed like she had forgotten she spilled spaghetti sauce all over her.
She instead I patted her head.

"I love you Jackie." I said

"I love you too sis."

The next morning me and Jackie woke up for school. My sister tried to get to the bathroom first but the boys showed us a list on the wall that had an exact order of who goes first to last.

Suddenly lee bumped into me and I fell to the ground. He grabbed my bag and gave it back to me, and I could have sworn I saw Benny grab something out of my sister's bag but I just shrugged it off. Jackie decided to use the downstairs bathroom and I waited upstairs until she finished, but I knew something was up when the boys came out their room laughing and followed Jackie downstairs. I followed them to the downstairs bathroom.

"Hey, everything ok in there Jackie?" Asked Issac

"No, could you go get Katherine." Jackie said

"Um no, I don't think so." Said Issac

"Why?" Jackie asked

"Because there's a bet that you rather skip school
Than ya know, go with bleached hair." Said Issac

"Issac what the hell?!" I said and then pushed him off the bathroom door to ask my sister if she was alright.

She screamed in response. And Issac was laughing.

"Issac it's not funny! What if someone did that to you?!" I yelled at him

My sister walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head. We went upstairs to try and fix this new problem. I put a hat on Jackie's head and told her that I would buy her black hair dye after school, and that I'd get Issac back for the shit he pulled.

"Thanks Keira." Jackie gave me a soft smile

"Yeah of course sis." I said

First period came around and I was pissed at Issac. The teacher told us to get in pairs of three and Lyla, one of the sweet girls who was sitting with me at lunch yesterday asked if I wanted to be in a group with Issac and her. I accepted gratefully but said Issac and I aren't on talking terms. I walked over to their desk and took a seat.

"Ok Keira, you can't be mad at me forever. It's just a prank." Said Issac

"So is anyone going to tell me what happened?" Asked Lyla

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