Parte 32 Last Kiss

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Siamo in spiaggia quando Lucy chiamó Kendall,io ero pronta a cantare per lui,ero pronta a brillare per lui
Kendall:Lucy!Nn voglio uscire sai io e Katherine!!Che stai facendo?
io:Tu ascolta un attimo e ti siedi!Perfavore nn te ne andare
io inizio a cantare Last kise di Taylor Swift:
i stiil remember The look on your face,lit throught The darkness at 1:58,The words that you whispered,for Just us to know,You told me you loved me,so why did You go Away....Away? i do recall now,The smell of The rain,Fresh on The pavement,i ran off The plan,That july 9th The beat of Your heart it jumps through your shirt,i can still feel your arms,But now i'll go,sit on The floor,Wearing your clothes,All that i know is that,i don't know how be something you miss,Never thought we'd Have a last kiss,Never imagined we'd end Like this,Your name,forever The name on my lips,i do remember The swing in your step,The life of The party,you're showing off again,and i roll my eyes and then you Pull me in,i'm not much for dancing,But for you i did,Because i love your handshake,Meeting my father,i love how you walk with your hands in your pockets,How you kissed me,when i was in The middle of saying something,there's not day,When i don't miss those rude,interruptions,But now i'll go sit on The floor wearing your clothes,all that i know is that i don't know how to be something you miss,Never Thought We'd have a last kiss,Never Imagined we'd end Like This,Your name forever the name on my lips,So i'll watch you,Live in pictures like i used to watch you sleep,And i feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe,And i keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are,Hope it's nice where you are...And i hope The sun shines and it's a beautiful day,And something reminds you, you wish you had stayed,You can plan for a change in weather and town,But i never planned on you changing your mind,So i'll go sit on The floor wearing your clothes,All that i know is that,i don't know how to be something you miss,Never thought we'd have a last kiss,Never imagined we'd end like this,Your name forever The name on my lips,Just like our last kiss,Forever The name on my lips,Forever The name on my lips..........Just like our last......
Kendall si alzò e andó incontro a me e disse:
Io:Prima di dire qualcosa!Se questo è l'ultimo bacio,e Tu mi hai mollato,Okay,Ma sappi che io amo,e amerò sempre Te♥Nn c'è un giorno che penso a te,E se Aspetterò Millenni Va bene,Pur di aspettarti.....perché Ti amo...e se Voi Che ci molliamo va bene...
io me ne andai quando Kendall mi prese per un braccio e mi baciò...È stavo un bacio davvero lungo...che mi è piaciuto..molto..
Kendall:Ti volevo dire che "Ti amo"che da me nn te ne vai,Tu sei mia
io:E io sono tuo ( ci baciammo)
Come vi sembra sto capitolo?Corto?Lo so!Ma nn ho proprio idea in mente!Commentate♥

You're  Not AloneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora