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I'd been watching for awhile now, the people leave and then come back, very organized, very smart. They travel in groups, unlike me who, up until now, I haven't thought to travel with anyone. But here I am, a twisted ankle and low on resources I don't think I have a choice. I pull out my notebook and pencil in the movements I see, in and out. I also have a calendar in here that helps me keep track of time, according to this the dead have been running rampant for about 2 years, and I've been lucky enough up until now to avoid becoming one of them.

I tap at the watch on my wrist and look up at the sun, hoping the time seemed to match up to what I could guess it was. I was thinking about 3:00, that's when the 2nd group leaves to do the gathering and the 1st group should be back before nightfall, again, very smart and organized.
I've been able to keep out of sight of the person in the guard tower as I stand against the wall every so often and listen in, there's people laughing and children playing, I hear them talk about expansion and there's a younger gentleman who has talked about recruiting. They're talking about bringing 'Rick's' group in, they're strong, good fighters, and he's been watching them, like I've been watching this place. I know if I go up to the gate they might let me in, but they might shoot me as well, I think at this point the humans are more of a danger than the dead. I hear them talk about a doctor though inside, that's who he was before all this and how he can still practice. I look down at my swollen ankle and sigh, and before I know it, tears are falling down my cheeks as the pain takes over my thoughts to myself and I cover my mouth as I try not to sob too loudly at how bad it really hurts. I could use a splint and a doctor and a nice, hot, shower too.

"Who are you?"I hear from behind as I turn around slowly, pushing my hands up, in front of me I see a young, tall gentleman with his gun up, his hands shaking. "I'm y/n, I'm so sorry, I'll move along." I say confidently as I hold one hand up and lean down to grab my bag with the other. He keeps the gun pointed at me as I step back, and trip backwards, letting out a yelp of pain as I drop my bag and hold my ankle. I cover my mouth and give him an 'I'm sorry' look as he rushes over and looks me over. "Oh god, are you okay? I didn't mean to frigh-" he looks me over and notices my swollen ankle "-ten you, I was just posted to do parole, do you have any weapons on you?" He goes through my bag and finds a small handgun with a couple shots and a switchblade "that's all I have" I say, slowly sitting up to stand to leave. "You can have it dude." He rushes to stand up with me and shakes his head "no, I live here, I'm gonna take you in, you need medical attention and you don't seems like much of a threat.." I grab onto the arm he offers and nod, letting him hold onto my bag as we walk towards the gate. "I'm Spencer by the way, and you are?"
"I'm y/n"

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