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It had been a couple days since Pete had helped me and I was in a boot and on crutches and this shit sucked. I sat on my porch and read as I watched people do their day to day life, this girl named Jessie comes over and talks to me about her kids who I met the day after I got here. They brought me in as easily as they could, wearily but friendly. They gifted me with homemade food and books and things the kids made.

"Hey, y/n!" I look up from my book to see Jessie waving as she walks over to me, I wave back and dogear the page I'm on before scooting over on the bench. "Hey Jess." I say, smiling at her as she sits down next to me, taking a look at my foot. "How's it feeling today? I was hoping a little better because I wanted to show you around a little more, just to the common areas like the pantry and places." She looks at me curiously and I give her another small smile and shake my head, "Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to do it today, it hurt just getting down the stairs to make myself breakfast." I say and she nods, looking over by the gate entrance and sighs. "Aaron said he was going to look for a new group and I was thinking they'd be here by now, I'm more worried about Aaron than anything, him and his husband go out trying to recruit, but apparently he's been watching this group for awhile now." Jessie says as she rubs her shoulders up and down, hardly hiding any nervousness she has about the whole thing. "I bet he'll be fine, if he's willing to go out on his own then he must be one tough cookie, and his husband as well." I say awkwardly, following Jessie's gaze to the gates. There was a long silence between what I said and when she started talking because I realized I didn't know those people, I don't know these people. I only know what's going on outside of these walls, do they know what's going on outside of these walls? By the reaction Pete gave me over my ankle I'm not really thinking so.

"I hope you're right,y/n. They are tough, he said Rick's group is kinda big though, and he wants them because they can fight and they've been in all this for awhile, so what if they use their strength against him? I'm just scared, y'know? For Aaron and Eric's sake." She lets out a deep breath and looks down at her feet, I pull her into a side hug and sigh as well, just enjoying the conversation with another living human being that isn't trying to kill me or steal my things. "It'll be alright." I say, before we both turn around to the sounds of people talking and the gates opening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2024 ⏰

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