𝑰𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏 {𝔓.5}

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Zohe's POV:

After a while I went inside the house and I rush to my room upstairs, on the edge of tears. Locking the door, I sit on the floor near my bed, holding my legs as I start crying. Why does this keep happening to me? Why is God so rough with me? The tears won't stop, and I cry for at least two hours until someone interrupts me.

Suhana, with her calm voice, says, "Zohe.I'm back. Why is your room locked? Come outside. Let's eat dinner."

I wish my tears and clear my throat before reply, "No, I'm not hungry. I just have a viral fever and a little headache, nothing else. I want to be alone. I don't want Amira to get a viral fever. And please make something for Amira I've put her diet plan on the table."

"Okay, and I don't think we will stay up tonight. We're all tired, so we will sleep early, and I will take care of Amira," Suhana says in a tired voice before leaving.

Arden's POV:

She rushes to her room, and for some reason, I feel guilty. I called my assistant to find a list of parties or meetings  I went to. Someone knocks on the door, and I open it to find Suhana, Sid, Amira and that stupid Arush. They wanted to chit chat so I agreed but I didn't speak much though We talk a little, but I'm not interested, so I make an excuse that I'm feeling sick.

Zohra's eyes grow heavy, and she falls asleep without realizing it. Suddenly, she wakes up at midnight, her stomach growling. She goes downstairs, opens her fridge, and starts heating food in the oven when someone taps her shoulder.

(🌝Now think who is it cuz I'm going see ya)

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