𝑰𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏{𝔓.9}

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The night before the wedding, Zohe entered Amira's room, holding her and eventually drifting off to sleep. She felt a pang of disappointment knowing Amira couldn't accompany her due to health issues,  making international travel challenging. and other responsibilities of schools, Suhana assured Zohe that she would handle everything and send Amira once the tasks were completed. Zohe struggled to accept that she was about to marry a seemingly heartless man, sensing a beast within him.  What does he mean By Amira's Father and Her second Husband, she was so Confused and The way he held her during the engagement ceremony left her frightened. Anxious about what would unfold, she chose to avoid stress and went to sleep.

Wedding Day -
Zohe awoke, had her breakfast, and after a few hours, she prepared for her marriage. Suddenly, she heard a loud noise and turned to find Arden locking the door, approaching her closely.

Arden said with a smirk "Love, you look beautiful."

Zohe's anger welling up and she replied, "Don't call me that. Why are you here?"

Arden, still smirking, responded, "So you are the Shareholder of My company and The reputed Author , I recall meeting Wasn't You the One invited To Gave the Awards in Conference After checking the guest list, I couldn't find any Miss Zohe. I then had my assistant provide a list of attendees, realizing I invited authors and celebrities. After reviewing the camera recordings, here I am so you even Go by another name, I see interesting"

Zohe replied in anger "So what will you do next? You can't just snatch my freedom. Don't forget even if I held a Good reputation,It wouldn't take me a day to reveal how bad of a beast You are ."

Arden harshly commented, "Love, don't you think your ego is reaching clouds? It seems you're not a gold digger. Then why did you agree to marry me? Oh wait, I know why. You want to give your daughter, Amira, a father's name. What about your ex? Did he leave you? It's better to leave a useless person than live with them."

Zohe retorted, "Stop with your words" She pushed him, but Arden held her tightly, stating, "Don't worry. I know how to handle a stubborn person like you."

Expressing her anger, Zohe exclaimed, "You're the biggest mistake of my life. I regret agreeing to marry a beast like you. You're just a piece of useless trash."

Arden declared in anger, "You're calling me a beast. See what this beast can do." Zohe demanded him to leave, but Arden clung to her, stating, "Leaving is not an option. From now on, you'll never be able to go away from me."

Zohe retaliated with a tight slap and shouted, "Enough! I can't believe you'd go this far. Don't you have any decency? I've had enough of your nonsense. If you try to hold me, I'd rather leave you than spend my life with you. I don't need anyone to give Amira a father's name. I can take care of her. I'm everything to her - a sister, a mother, and a father. I don't care what you think. You're a pure brat, a moron. You'll never become a good father or husband. How do you expect me to think otherwise when you yourself are a big piece of a useless person?"

Arden in a harsh voice, dismissed her concerns, saying, "It doesn't matter. I'm a beast to you, and Sacrament? I don't care about it." He was interrupted by a knock on the door from Suhana.

Suhana called out of nowhere, "Zohe, are you there? Come fast, I'm standing outside."

"I'm coming," Zohe hurriedly bubbled and ignored Arden, going outside but not before eyeing him.

The preparations were beautiful, decorating the entire garden with lights, flowers, etc.

The wedding started, and Zohe ignored Arden. Everything was going well. Arden was still bubbling in anger when suddenly they heard a gunshot. Everyone was shocked as they saw a man with a gun pointing it toward Zohe.

The thief said to Zohe, "You, come here."

Nobody uttered a word, knowing that one wrong step could lead to Zohe's death. Suhana was scared for Zohe, Sid was in shock, Arush tried to take Zohe, but failed as the thief spotted him. Arden was shocked, but soon anger took over him, though he didn't say anything because it was a life-and-death situation.

The thief held Zohe and shouted, "Don't try to be smart, and don't even think of calling the police. If you do something I don't like, this girl will be dead."

Zohe whispered in the thief's ears with an angry voice, "Don't you know how to threaten people? Just shout and ask them for a car."

The thief was shocked, but he soon recovered himself.

"You should be in fear," the thief said, being clueless.

"I don't. You are helping me. Just ask them for a car, idiot. Don't you see action movies? A thief like you can easily be caught by cops. You need to take a lesson on how to threaten people. Now, you will ask for a car; otherwise, I will kick you and strangle you to death," Zohe said in anger.

"Are you threatening me?" the thief said in shock and confusion.

Zohe burst in anger, "Yes, I am. I think you want to suffer from strangling."

The thief said, "And why would I listen to you?"

Zohe replied, "Let's make a deal. You will help me run from the wedding, and I will pay you the amount you want, but don't hurt anyone."

The thief whispered, "Ok, deal."

Everyone was confused about what was happening, and suddenly the thief shouted, "I want car keys, or you can see her dead body."

Arush replied, "I'm giving. Don't hurt her. Please leave her. She has nothing to do with you." Arush gave him the car keys.

The thief said, "I guess this beauty will come with me."

The thief and Zohe went inside the car, and the thief started driving. Arush and Sid also went to the car and headed to the police station. Meanwhile, Arden was a little annoyed at first, but then he decided to catch the thief and started following them.

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