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Hey guys! So I just realized this story will be coming to an end quite soon. For the moment, it looks like there will be around four more chapters - that is including this one. I planned the ending some time ago, but it wasn't until now that I suddenly realized the story was already getting there. Ugh, I don't like it. Not only is it sad, but endings are really hard to write too. Quoting Chuck: "Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible." So there. (And my English teacher says I don't quote correctly. Pfft.) Therefore, these last few chapters will take a little longer to update, cause I'll probably be struggling even more than usual with writing them. Sorry about that.

Well, enjoy this chapter. Hope you all are having an amazing summer!

The next few weeks of school passed by in a blur. The exams and graduation came and went, and then finally remained only the goodbyes. Lots of goodbyes. Tons of 'em.

Some of them were sadder than others were, of course. For instance, Dean wouldn't exactly miss most of his old teachers. (He could live a long and happy life without his English or History teacher in it.) There were a few exceptions, though: Every school has those few awesome teachers that the students actually admit to miss. Dean would also miss his old football coach. Nevertheless, most of them he would just be happy never to see ever again. (Like ever.)

Saying goodbye to his old class mates, on the other hand, was something a lot harder to do. It certainly didn't help when some of them started to get really sentimental and teary - that rubbed off on Dean more than he'd care to admit. And even though he disliked some of his old class mates, he got fairly well along with most of them. Besides, many were leaving town for collage, and it was hard to tell when Dean would meet them again. There was actually a good chance that there were a few he would never see again, and even if he didn't know - or liked - them all that much, that was still admittedly kinda sad. You always get a little sentimental when you say what's possibly your last goodbye to someone.

All the goodbyes happened right after the graduation ceremony. The pupils had gathered in a crowd, which Dean moved swiftly around in, trying to say goodbye to as many fellow students as possible. With most of them, he stuck with a quick clap on the shoulder and a "Good luck in the future". He didn't have time to stop and chat with everyone he'd ever said hi to over the last year if he were going to make it through everyone.

Even with his quick farewells, it took quite some time to get through everyone. When he was mostly done and content with his own effort, Dean abandoned the suffocating crowd - which had started to dissolve as people headed home - and finally moved on to his group of friends. They had placed themselves in the outskirts of the crowd, supposedly to have both space and time for more proper goodbyes to each other.

It wasn't a big surprise that Anna was the first one to notice Dean when he approached them. She had just dis-tangled herself from Uriel after a long hug (choking), and was quick to throw her arms around Dean instead when he got close.

Over Anna's shoulder, Dean saw Uriel petting down his slightly wrinkled shirt. Then Cas tapped his shoulder from behind, and Uriel turned around with a big smile on his face, saying something about still not having made it through everyone after all this time.

Still hugging Anna, Dean managed to catch Cas' eye and wink - a silent promise that he'd come over and say goodbye to him later. Cause you save the longest and most important farewells for last, right?

"Promise me you'll call", Anna sobbed onto Dean's shoulder, her tears making the fabric of his shirt wet. "At least once a week. We must stay in touch. And then you'll have to tell me everything that's happened to you, and I'll tell you everything that's happened to me. Or maybe we could skype?"

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now