Ice Ice Baby

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"You free after school today?" 

It was the first day of school after the Christmas holiday, and they were standing in the hallway, full of students running to their classes. Cas was picking various books out of his locker while Dean was leaning his back against the lockers next to Cas', watching him.

"Yeah, Michael left yesterday, so "family-time" is finally over", Cas responded to Dean's question, trying to use air-quotes while saying "family-time", hampered by his arms being full of books.

He picked another book out of his locker, eying the cover thoughtfully as he drummed his fingertips on it. Dean noticed his fingernails were bitten down to the quick. The last weeks Cas had gained the habit of biting his nails.

Cas put the book back inside his locker, apparently deciding he didn't need it at the moment.

Dean hooked his thumbs through the straps of his backpack, taking a step away from the lockers. "You want to come over? Maybe watch a movie."

Cas' smile was soft. "I'd like that." He slammed his locker shut and they started walking down the hall. "It'll be nice to finally spend some time together. Now that my curfew has ended and everything."

Dean hummed in agreement. He couldn't have agreed more. They'd spent a painfully small amount of time together during the last weeks. Since Cas' parents had insisted on their "family-time"(mind the air-quotes), they had only been able to text and talk over the phone, though that had also been limited. Dean had found himself reading through their texts more often than he liked to admit.

"Have you talked to Charlie since New Year's, by the way?" Cas asked.

"Yes, why?"

Cas shrugged. "Just remembered that I haven't spoken to her since. Do you know how it went with that girl she was making out with?"

Dean grinned. He had seen another glimpse of Charlie and the girl - Charlie had later told him her name was Gilda - when he was about to leave that night. Although he hadn't spoken to her, being too busy dragging Uriel's drunk ass out of there. However, Charlie had told him everything the next day.

Cas raised his eyebrows expectantly at him.

"Apparently, she got lucky", Dean informed. He decided Cas didn't need any more details than that. God knows, Charlie had given him too much information.

Cas' eyes widened in surprise. "Seriously? Whoa, she's good."

Dean nodded in agreement. "Yeah, girl's got game." He thought of something and chuckled. Cas shot him a questioning look. "Bet you had a nasty hangover the next day, hadn't you?"

Cas' cheeks turned red, and he glared at him.

But Dean was in a teasing mood. "With you drinking a bit too much, I mean."

Cas rolled his eyes, obviously trying to replace the look of embarrassment on his face with one of annoyance. He failed. "I didn't drink that much."

"Dude, you were drunk."

"Shut up."

Dean chuckled again.

They stopped outside the room where Cas had his next class. The teacher had already arrived and so had most of the students. They kissed, and Cas backed into the room. "See you after school."



It was quite windy when they left the school building, the cold air digging through their clothes. Cas pulled his winter cap properly down over his ears. Dean shot him an envious look, which he luckily did not see, rubbing his own cap-lacking ear tips. They were probably redder than Rudolf's nose already.

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now