The date

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I want to thank you for all the reads, votes and comments. They make me very happy. 

As Dean stood in front of the mirror in his room, he couldn't help but feel like a hysterical teenage girl. It was only an hour until he had to pick Cas up, and he still had no idea what to wear. Cliché!

"Don't go for the blue one, it makes you look fat." Dean jumped as he hadn't heard anyone coming down the stairs. He turned to see Sam standing at the threshold, leaning against the doorframe. "Dad wants to know if you are coming to dinner today", he informed, sounding bored.

"No, I'm going out." Dean turned back to the mirror.

"Okay", Sam said. He started walking up the stairs before calling back. "And by the way; the black one makes your boobs look amazing!"

Dean rolled his eyes. He had to start locking his door.

He was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, and just couldn't decide on which shirt. Normally, he would just throw on something, but today he hesitated. Once again, he held the two shirts up in front of him, before deciding on the blue button up shirt. He pulled it on as he walked into the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror as he did the buttons. Glancing quickly at his reflection, he decided to undo them again.

Since he'd already showered, he had overly good time to fix his hair. He found his box of wax and dipped his fingers into the creamy product, before running them through his hair, making it stand straight up. He sighed, and flattened it down impatiently. After just 20 minutes he was pleased with how it looked, and sat down to watch TV to make the time go faster. He glanced at his watch. 5.30. He leaned back in the coach, trying to focus at the soap opera playing on TV. After what felt like an hour he looked at his watch again, which now showed 5.35. And after several more hours it showed 5.38. Dean groaned.


After an eternity, the clock had finally come close to 6, and Dean drove over to Cas' house. As always, Cas was already waiting outside. He looks amazing, Dean thought. Cas was usually just wearing some old clothes with several holes in them, and walked around with his hair sticking out uncontrolled. Now it was combed down, at least to an extent, and it finally looked like he hadn't dressed in the dark. He was wearing some dark trousers and a thin, white cotton sweater, on which he had rolled up the sleeves. Neither of his clothes had any visible holes in them.

"You look great", Dean commented as Cas climbed into the car.

"Thanks", Cas replied to the understatement. He turned his face away, but Dean could nevertheless see the blush creeping up his neck. "So do you."

Dean started the car, and felt relaxed once he started driving. The last hours he had tripped around waiting for the time to pass, and now the date had finally started. No more waiting. This was it.

As they drove, Cas had tried to find out where they were going, but Dean had refused to tell him. All Cas got out of him was that it was a surprise and that he had to wait and see. Cas had turned away from him, pretending to be angry, but couldn't hold for more than a minute, before laughing at Dean's remark of him looking like a five-year-old.

As Dean pulled up in front of the restaurant, he could see recognition on Cas' face.

"Been here before?" Ha asked surprised.

Cas nodded, and for a second Dean thought he saw fear at his face, but it passed quickly. "Yeah, I was actually here on a date about half a year ago."

Dean couldn't help but frown. He didn't want to seem like a jealous douchebag, but he didn't like people talking about their exes when I was on a date with them.

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now