Sixth Chapter

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After we where done fixing the car, me and Dom went to my house. I had to change into some different clothes and definitely needed a shower. Dom's car was still in that random garage so he just tagged along.

"So this is where I live." I said with a smile as I drove onto the driveway of my house.

The house is painted in white color, the fences, the door, the windows and the patio are painted dark green. It is a pretty house, it isn't that big but it's cozy and I live alone, so why do I need so much room right?

"It's a nice house you've got, Isabella." Dom said as he stepped out of the car and looked up at my house.

"Thanks! There's still a lot of things to fix on the inside but we'll get there in time." I said with a smile and locked my car before heading to my front door. I unlocked the door and opened it, letting Dom go in first. "I'll give you a tour." I said with a smile and walked in after Dom.

I closed the door behind me and walked through the hallway. The hallway was connected with my living room, which exists now out of a couch, some plants and a lot of moving boxes.

"Sorry for all the boxes. I still have to look into them." I said with a nervous laugh before quickly moving onto the kitchen that was connected to the living room.

"No worries." Dom said and looked around the kitchen. "It's cozy. I like it." Dom said with a nod of approval.

"Good." I said with a grin and walked to the stairs that where in the hallway. "Now upstairs. Upstairs is a lot more livable." I said with a grin making him chuckle.

We walked upstairs, it existed out of three rooms, my bedroom, a guest bedroom and a bathroom. "So this is the bathroom." I said and opened my bathroom door.

The bathroom was clean, towels where hanging neatly on the rack, the bathroom tiles where grey and all deep cleaned making them shiny. It was a small bathroom but enough space for two people.

"Then the guest bedroom." I said and opened the guest room door. "It's not done yet but I only need to pain the wall and put a bed in it. Maybe add some nice decoration to it. I don't know yet." I said with a shrug and he nodded while he looked around the room.

"And the best but not least. My bedroom." I said with a grin and opened my bedroom.

In the corner of the room was my bed. It had white fluffy covers and three pillows. On the ground was a nice rug. A vanity was placed against the wall and a tall mirror next to it. On the other side of the room was a closet, and some plants. Next to my bed I had a small balcony with two glass doors. It had a nice view over the hills and houses.

"I love it. Your house is very neat and clean." Dom said and sat down on my bed.

"Yeah well, I'm out most of the time so I don't really do much in my house." I said with a shrug as I made my way over to my closet. "I'm gonna take a quick shower and change into some different clothes. Is that alright with you?" I asked as I grabbed some clothes.

"That's alright. I'll wait." Dom said with a small grunt and laid down on my bed with his hands behind his head and his feet dangling off the edge of the bed.

"Great. I'll see you in 10." I said with a smile and quickly went to my bathroom that was down the hallway.

I locked the door behind me and quickly stripped out of my clothes. I got under the shower and washed my body and hair. After like 8 minutes I got out and dried myself off with a towel. I put on my undies and bra before putting on my clothes.

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