Eighth Chapter

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(Time skip to that evening)

I was putting a big plant in the corner of my living room when the doorbell rang. "I'm coming!" I announced to the stranger behind my door and grunted as I put the big plant down on the ground.

I dust my hands off on my dirty pants and walk to my front door. I opened it and saw Toretto standing there.

"Hey what's up?" I asked him with a smile but it was quickly replaced by a small gasp as he turned his head to look at me.

His face was all bruised. He had a cut on his lip and cheek, some blood running down his nose and a bruise was beginning to form on his jaw.

"Dom. What happened?" I asked him concerned. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside, closing the front door behind him.

"I got into a fight with Vince." He said with a sigh while I pulled him up the stairs to my bathroom.

"Why?" I asked him confused yet concerned as I make him sit on the toilet lid and grabbed a medical kit from under the sink.

"He was stupid and didn't know when to shut his mouth." He said a bit angry and annoyed.

I let out a sigh as I wet a small towel. I move over to him and stand between his spread open legs. I softly grab his chin in my hand and make him tilt his head up so that I could look in his eyes. "Your so stupid and irrational sometimes." I said with a sigh before breaking out a smile.

"I know. It comes naturally." Dom said with a small grin making me laugh a bit.

I shook my head as he was being a doofus. I softly dab the wet towel on the cut on his cheekbone, before wiping the blood that had been streaming down his cheek. His eyes where following my every move. Every blink I made, every movement of my hands, fingers, lips, chest, breath.

"Stop staring." I mumbled at him while I wiped away the blood from his nose.

"Why?" He asked with a grin.

"Cause your making me nervous." I said back and narrowed my eyes at him before moved back over the sink to clean the small towel.

He let out a deep chuckle while I moved back between his legs. "I make you nervous, mhh?" He hummed with a smirk and lifted his hands up to rest them on the back of my thighs.

"Yes. I feel like your judging my every move." I said honestly with a small glare before I focused back on his bruises and cuts while I tried to ignored the butterflies in my stomach.

"Maybe because I am." He teased me with a grin while he rubbed his hands up and down my thighs.

My breath hitched as his hands rubbed over my thighs. I desperately tried to ignore the feelings and letting myself getting distracted.

"Stop." I mumbled as I focused on the cut of his lips that where pulled into a teasing grin.

I softly dab the wet towel on his cut to get the blood away. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I focused on his soft lips. When I was done I looked back up in his eyes noticed that he's been staring at me.

"I'm done." I whisper cause of how close we where.

He stood up towering over me making his hands travel from my thighs to my waist. I still held the wet towel in my hands while I stared up at him. One of his hands moved up to my jaw. He leaned down and stopped when his lips where just an inch away from mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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