Do I want to know?

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The next morning, she woke up by a small light crawling from the little part uncovered of the balcony. She sat in her bed to understand where she was. Then all the memories from yesterday hit her. She sighted. All the French wished was that everything was a dream. A beautiful one but still a dream. She lazily got out of bed and rubbed her eyes yawning. 'The bed next to me is still empty.' She thought 'Who is my roommate?'. Her eyes met a piece of paper on the floor and she picked it up. It was an envelope sealed with the school's mark, the butterfly. Elise opened it and inside there were two papers. The first one was written in a perfect, clean cursive and said:

Dear Miss Chaux,

You have been assigned your schedule based on the year you should attend from your age. Since you have been absent throughout all the first year's classes you would be taking special classes to catch up on your studies every Wednesday and Thursday. You are determined to wear the school uniform all the time you are within the school territories but you are free to not wear it outside at the town. If you own any pets they should be taken to the pet stations. In case of any further questions please contact the secretary of school.


Principal Urania Sykes

Elise left the first letter down and opened the second one. It was a schedule of her classes throughout all days. Today she had double Poweristics, double Magical History and Magical Protection. What those were she had no idea. She sighted and took the backpack near the door which was filled with books putting it on her shoulder. She swiftly left her hair down putting her beret and tie once again and running outside pressing the amber crystal. She asked for the eating hall and the way shined on her feet. She walked slowly down the halls enjoying the scenery of the place. It looked like it was totally built by pure diamonds since everything shined in soft colorful colors. The stairs were like washed with oil and she slipped over three times on the same staircase. There were pictures on the walls but most of them were empty since their portraits were floating around chatting with each-other. The road was pretty complicated and it would've taken the French about an hour if it wasn't for a painting of an elderly woman who showed her short cut. When she finally opened the door to the hall the first thing she saw was a blinding light. When her vision cleared she realized that it wasn't a light but countless crystals of different colors which basically created the room. The stands, the tables everything was pure diamonds. It was totally magical especially the forms on the giant windows which moved in small motions. Elise caught the glance of Cerelia's wings but she was surrounded by a group of a lot of people so she avoided her. Instead she went over to Meissa who was sitting at the very end of the table all alone. She sat next to her and after they exchanged their good mornings Elise asked

"Why aren't you and Cerelia together?"

"Well she is pretty famous being the youngest warrior of Aliterra and I am the school's cold queen. Most people fear me."

"That is sad..."

"Whatsoever I like it." The Russian replied and continued eating.

That is when Elise saw what was for breakfast. There were piles of crème croissants, fresh and warm bread, tons of omelets and a mountains of drinks. She filled her plate with almost everything including a crème croissant, two fresh breads with honey and a hot chocolate. Meissa glared at her a bit but said nothing. When both of them where finished their plates disappeared from their sight which left the French jaw dropped. Before she could start asking stuff Meissa cut her

"What is the first period?"

"Double Poweristic."

"Okay fine let's go." The other lazily stood up and gestured Elise to do so too. Both of them grabbed their backpacks and walked outside the hall.

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