The first Attack part 2

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Then a voice came from behind her jumps scaring her to the point she pulled out an energy ball and almost throwing the ball at the person's face. Ludwig for the second time in a few months almost got hit with a hard thing

"WHOA! First a sword now this? What did I do to you?"

"Oh Ludwig it is you! You scared me to death! Don't do that again if you want your head sticking on your body."

"Sorry sorry. Do you mind if I sit with you?" asked the German coming closer.

"Well you are already here so yeah why not?"

Ludwig smiled a bit and took his jacket off sitting on the bean bag in front of her. He ordered a hot chocolate too and looked at the other. Elise who really wasn't in the mood just glared at him. He lifted his shoulders and fixed his sweater. She gave him a smile as he sat down and started talking. He was a quite good conversationalist and she finally felt like someone wasn't confusing her totally and that understood her. He had lived in Berlin and like her his messenger had come some weeks later then supposed. His mother was half angel and she had lived on Earth most of her life. She got married and sometime later Ludwig was born. He didn't have any idea he had to do with any kind of magical school until his messenger who just happened to be Mr. Thatcher came and took him. He hadn't seen his family since then and they hadn't written any letters to him. Elise nodded understandingly. Her mother didn't send her any letters either. Cerelia told her that she would be acknowledged about her school year and everything but the French was starting to get worried. Her mother wasn't the forgetful type of person so her silence was weird. They continued talking until the sun started setting down and then it was the moment when the two friends decided to get going back to school. After quarter an hour of arguing on who would pay the receipt and Ludwig as the winner they were walking down the road laughing with each other. The German wasn't like everyone said cold and selfish. In contrary he was pretty funny and talkative. Truly someone you would like to spend the weekend with. They had been walking for a while before a scream interrupted their conversation. Elise turned at the noise and looked at the German. He seemed as confused as her and ran towards the source of the sound. They turned left and saw a crowd of people surrounding a person. Elise noticed some mixes of Japanese and Chinese flags so she ran into the crowd trying to make her way through it. When she was finally on the front row what her eyes saw turned her blood cold. Standing there with his arm bleeding was the Japanese boy, Shun, whom Elise had met a while ago. He was paler and the color on his cheeks had disappeared leaving his soft green eyes almost lifeless. Near him there was a girl which resembled a lot after him and apparently was his younger sister. The girl was trying everything to help her brother but nothing was working. The French rushed to them and bended down near her. The Japanese looked at her scared and tried to push the French away. Elise just looked at her with soft eyes and said:

"I can help him. Just let me."

The Japanese seemed to understand her so she stood up and walked away.

The French looked at Shun who seemed like he had blacked out and put her hand on his wound. The blood was warm and watery but she didn't mind. A calm breath went through her body as Elise closed her eyes. She didn't know what was going on but she could hear the many gasps around. She took another breath and reopened her mismatched eyes. The wound on his arm had healed and she smiled taking away her hand. But when she saw Shun's face her happiness shattered. He was still pale and was looking down with tears on his eyes. The French was really shocked and asked him using her bracelet:

"What is wrong?"

He looked up at her and shook his head saying with a trembling and scared voice:

"Thank you for healing my wound but whoever attacked me also stole my Power. I am empty."

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