Before Felicity had gone to Thea's apartment Felicity had been injured from battling some street fighters.therefore she ended up in Theus apartment because she had a injury thanks to Oliver that chased her after seeing her in her costume.and also thanks to Oliver her costume had a few scratches and even a missing piece in the shoulder from where he try to grab her.Felicity bleeding from her shoulder and scared that
Oliver had chaster she runs to laurels apartment.But someone's following her but it's not Oliver.finally she can't take it anymore and as she falls down she's captured by Nyssa.
Arrow:A new hero
FanfictionAs Felicity Discovers that Sarah died. Felicity would like to make a change in the city.but would like to do it without any help from Oliver but something goes wrong with her plan the league captures her and use her to help the new villain. I don't...