1.17 The Breakup, Part II

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"We broke up," Rory says again. "We just... broke up."

Lorelai trades a confused look with Kit as she drops her hands from Rory's shoulders. "I don't understand."

"Me and Kelsey saw you two at the festival," Kit adds. "Everything seemed fine."

"It was," Rory says miserably, "and then it wasn't. We- we went to dinner and then we walked by the bonfire but it wasn't lit so we went to this junkyard-"

"Junkyard?" Kit repeats to himself.

"-and we sat in this car and then- oh God!"

Lorelai grabs her shoulders again, even more worried now at the sudden gasp. "What?"

"I forgot your meatball in the car," Rory tells her.

"Meatball?" Kit repeats, even more confused than before.

"It's a mother-daughter thing," Lorelai tells him.

"How is- oh. Like Lady and the Tramp," he says in realization. "Got it. Go on."

Rory actually seems to forget the events of the night for a split second as she stares at him in amazement. "So little context and yet you nailed it."

Kit shrugs. "I know you weirdos like the back of my hand," he says playfully.

"It's very impressive," Lorelai admits before she turns back to Rory. "Honey, forget the meatball. Just tell us what happened."

"I can't believe I left your meatball in the car," Rory says, clearly attempting to focus on anything besides the breakup. "After I told the waiter to wrap it up and everything."

Lorelai nods as she leads her over to the couch. Kit takes the armchair by the stairs with a frown, wondering when exactly she'll give up and tell them what happened so he can find out if he needs to go see a certain Forester or not.

"And everyone was like: "What do you want with one meatball?" and I was like: "It's a mother-daughter thing."

"Rory-" he tries to interrupt.

"And I'm sure he thought I was nuts," she goes on, "but he was so nice and he did it anyway and he, uh, he brought one of those little tinfoil swans or a duck-"

"Rory!" Kit interrupts. He gestures with one hand when she looks at him with wide eyes. "Move away from the meatball and just tell me if I need to kick Dean's ass or not."

"Hey," Lorelai says with a half-hearted attempt at a disapproving look.

"Kit, no," Rory immediately tells him. She shakes her head. "No."

He gives her a pointed look. "That remains to be seen. I'll make my decision after I hear the full story."

"He's right, honey," Lorelai agrees. She pauses. "Well, partially. Tell us what happened."

"He just broke up with me," Rory tells them.

She shakes her head. "That doesn't make any sense. This is Dean we're talking about. He's crazy about you. He calls like twenty-five times a day. Have you seen the cover of his notebook? It's one step away from stalker material."

Kit bites his tongue to keep from correcting her. Rory is an independent woman fully capable of making her own decisions and he has to let her. It's not up to him to tell her who she can date, and he would never try anyway.

That being said, he won't lie if she asks for his opinion and his opinion of Dean has been steeply downhill since Donna Reed. He gets the feeling the night's events will only send it further down.

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