Prologue: Warrior of apokolips

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Apokolips throne room

Darksied was disappointed at the former leader of his elite squad of female warriors. He looked at Big Barda toss a tied up Granny Goodness towards him and the wonder woman pull her lasso making his trainer spin.

"Mercy Barda how disappointing." He says and turns around, " take the girl with you and leave apokolips." He says and from the corner of his eye watches Superman pick up his cousin.

He wanted Supergirl as the new leader of the female furies but he can't afford to loose granny goodness.

Wonder woman went to pick up batman from a ruble he was under. The group of Heroes started to leave but when they reached a few metres from the exit a boom tube opened up.

They tensed and Darkseid was surprised he wasn't expecting this till later on the week. A few seconds passed and they thought it was nothing but they saw three bodies fly out forcing them to jump aside and the bodies land on Darkseid's feet.

The heroes saw that the three bodies were of aliens but were badly beaten and one of them was missing an arm. Light footsteps were heard coming from the portal in front of them.

Then a figure stepped through and the person was revealed to all of the heroes and Darksied himself. The dark ruler smiled as he saw his greatest warrior.

The person has spiky wild hair and a armour with a father box on his wrist.

The man looked around him for a second and saw broken windows cracked or broken walls. ' a fight?' he asks himself.

The heroes were ready for anything but Big Barda looked at the warrior with a shocked expression. ' Kakarot?' she thinks to herself.

The warrior looks at the group of colourful people infront of him and then to the traitor of Apokolips, then his gaze goes to the unconscious figure on the blue man's arms. He takes his gaze to the fallen Granny Goodness and finally the leader of Apokolips Darkseid.

The portal behind him closes and then he starts walking to his leader not wanting to know what is happening. The group were shocked he didn't even bet an eye towards them apart from the initial look he gave them.

" Lord Darkseid, the leaders of Makyo star planet have been defeated and now lay at your feet." States the man calmly while walking to his leader.

The heroes decided to start walking away but Big Barda did not. She looked at the Saiyan in shock, ' he didn't even look at me.' she thinks before she was pulled by the group towards the exit and the far approaching plane.

"You did well, now I have a mission for you." Starts Darkseid and then he points at the group of heroes that enter the plane in a hurry. " Retrieve the sleeping girl and capture the traitor if possible." Says Darkseid getting a nod from the warrior.

Justice League Jet

After settling in and taking their sits with Batman and wonder woman as the pilots.

Superman was setting Kara down and strapped her to the medical bed located in the jet. Then then walked to the sit next to Big Barda who still had a look of shock and disbelief.

Superman hearing her heart beat at an alarming rate looked towards her. " You ok?" He asks her. She looks at him but before she could answer the was a loud and quick slicing sound.

Then air started rushing the airborne space ship. They turned and saw that the side of the jet was cut off including the medical room.

Superman's face turned to shock before quickly jumping of the hole made on the jet. Then Barda also jumped out of the falling plane and soon followed by wonder woman who was carrying Batman.

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