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You gasped for air as you dug yourself out of the soil, the cold earthy yet filthy feeling didn't seem to bother you as you only worried about breathing though that was sthe problem, you couldn't breath.

You panicked as you dug yourself out of the dirt, you were currently booty buck naked, cold and covered in dirt.

You lifted yourself off the ground and looked around the.. were you on a fucking farm? There were crops, so it must be?

You mouth felt dry, unbelievably dry as you squinted, the sun was starting to make you sweat which wasn't a good feeling especially with soil covering your body.

You stumbled around, looking off into the distance where some people were, most likely taking care of the crops.

You already knew from experience to not go to people when in need of help unless you want dirty looks sent your way, especially if your naked, covered in fucking dirt and panting heavily like a dog, so deciding to do the smart thing and just quickly walk away to hide in an alleyway like you'd usually do.

Speaking of alleys…

You looked down at your hands, clenching them together, was this some sort of afterlife? You knew for certain that you had died, you could almost still feel that bone lodged into your throat, as if it was taunting you.

Just by that thought your hand went up to your throat feeling around it with furrowed eyebrows, seeing if there was some type of Lumo that wasn't supposed to be there or something.

You swallowed some of the oddly thick and disgusting feeling mucus in your mouth, cringing at the feel of it sliding down your throat.

“How?” You questioned yourself as you quickly ducked into the alleyway, trying to stay hidden as best as you could.

Your hands were already shaking from hunger despite the feeling of just eating not too long ago, your hands gripped your stomach trying to soothe the rumbling of it.

You didn't know what to do, should you actually go out and ask for help? Do you stay here and hope someone sees you and takes pity on you? Do you just stay there and hope someone is wasteful enough to throw a drink or something to eat away?

You were in a place that you had no clue to navigate through, this didn't look like the city you were raised in.

You curled up even more, trying to hold back the tears, you didn't know where you were, you were hungry, even more filthier than before, now had no clothes, thirsty and currently sweating, were you in some type of hell? Was this your torture or something? You knew for a fact you had died, there was no way of denying that, so why were you breathing? Thinking? Starving? Moving? Overheating?

Suddenly a door opened and an elderly lady walked out with some rubbish bins, a stern facial expression as she walked right past you, unknowingly might I add.

But when she went to walk right past your curled up form again she finally saw your rat looking self.

And the next thing you knew…

“GRRRR” you growled like a feral rabid infested dog, holding the roasted chicken/pork(?) all to yourself, not letting the two men that the old lady had sat next to you take a singular piece as you tore into it, now fully clothed and fully clean.

The both gave each other looks while watching you finish the large chicken/pork(?) roast all by yourself before you quickly gulped down the water that was provided, licking your lips every so often.

This was probably the best meal you've had in a while and like fuck were you gonna let someone try and take your food away from you.

Your leg was bouncing as you ate, even reaching over to grab some of the untouched sides, shoving it in your mouth.

As soon as you finish eating the meat, you finally let yourself breathe properly.

You didn't bother to look over as the two men who got up from their spots as they taunted one another before beginning their fight.

It consisted of dumb and dumber slapping each other around before dumber was able to win, dumber being? Kung Lao, dumb being Raiden.

“Days coming Kung Lao.” Raiden grimaced, knowing his wallet was gonna be robbed by his childhood best friend and the appetite he held.

Kung Lao only smirked as he gave Raidens shoulder a playful nudge as he smirked. “keep telling yourself that.” I love twinks🙏

Kung Lao patted his stomach as you patted your chest then you cleared your throat and reached for more of the food as the old lady- madame Bo as she introduced herself when she picked you up off of the streets, literally, came up and talked with the two men, she smiled at Raiden, holding her hand out for the money for the bill, Raiden only looked at her in shock as he slowly gave her the money, not knowing when to stop and slightly scared whether his wallet will be an empty husky of itself.

You were scared as well, the elderly lady didn't say anything about paying, you thought she was a nice grandma that wanted to feed a poor rat like yourself.

You already knew you probably racked up a high bill for the amount you ate.. welp, time to become a hooker again..

(I love my snooki Pookie Wookie oogie boogie wooga bears😈🙏(Raiden and Kung Lao) just wanna💋 wanna💋💋💋😈🤞)

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