Chapter 1

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At the base of the mountain, near the hut, Magiting knelt before the buried mounts, offering prayers for the departed villagers and his late master. He solemnly paid his respects to the fallen and then turned his gaze towards the humble dwelling.

Returning to the house, he took a moment to reflect on the powerful axe gifted to him by his mentor Dumakulem. The wise words echoed in his mind.

Dumakulem: When you wield this axe, think of me guiding you, my little hunter, and remember, I will always be with you.

Holding the axe close, Magiting sensed the weight of his impending journey. With determination, he secured his weapons – the axe and his bow – and set forth. As he stepped out of the house, he cast a final glance at the once-thriving village, now reduced to ashes.

Magiting: No turning back now.

Taking his first step, he headed south, towards the unknown.

Venturing into the unfamiliar forest of the Tagalog Region in Los Baños, Magiting observed various creatures. Deep within the woods, a distant sound caught his attention.

???: sobs

Following the cries, Magiting hastened towards them. Pushing through the thick foliage, he discovered a Diwata in distress. The frightened girl recoiled as Magiting approached.

Magiting: Please don't be scared. I'm a friend.

???: si-no ka?

Magiting: She's speaking a different language.

Noting the pointed ears, Magiting identified her as a Diwata, elusive beings known for their magical abilities.

Magiting: She's a Diwata. My master said they were elusive and had powerful magic.

Observing her injured leg, Magiting gathered herbs and fashioned a makeshift bandage. Approaching cautiously, he communicated with gestures and words, eventually earning her trust. Magiting applied the herbal paste to her wounded leg, creating a poultice that would aid in healing.

Magiting: It's okay. This is medicine. Ga mo-t.

The Diwata hesitated but extended her foot, allowing Magiting to apply the remedy. He assured her and prepared a herbal drink, emphasizing its safety.

Magiting: Drink. inu-min.

Expressing gratitude, Diwata introduced herself as Ligaya of the Dari Clan. Magiting, intrigued, shared details about his master and the sacred axe.

Magiting: You're a Diwata?

Ligaya: Yes...

Magiting: My master said that Diwata's are fascinating creatures who are elusive and cunning, he also said that they have powerful magic over nature.

Ligaya: Your master is a very knowledgable man... (notices the axe on his back) where did you get that axe?

Magiting looks at his weapon.

Magiting: This one?

Ligaya: Yes, that axe.. I remember that a God used that very weapon.

Magiting looks at his weapon.

Magiting: This one?

Ligaya: Yes, that axe. I remember that a God used that very weapon. He was known as the-

Magiting: The great gurdian of the mountains.

Ligaya: Yes.. how do you know that?

Magiting: He's my master.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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