Frenemies (Platonic Milly x Henry)

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Requested by DeadSewerRats. Sorry if this reads weird or the characters act wrong I was writing this in the little free time I had on my trip and don't know how to not write self insert-ish characters 😭😭😭
Detention, the one place nobody wants to end up. Milly is used to it by now, she barely remembers the last time she didn't have detention.

This time was like the past few times, because she beat someone up. This time it was Henry. Surprisingly, he got detention as well. Probably because he was being a little shit, whatever.

Unfortunately for the both of them, the faculty decided that forcing them to sit together was a good idea. Hey, they could've forced them to interact with each other.

The one thing the two had in common was that they hated silence more than each other.

"Uh..." Milly realized she had no clue what to say. She beat the absolute shit out of Henry, how was she supposed to speak to him after that? Let alone the fact their friends hated each other's guts.


"Huh?" Milly replied. What the absolute fuck did he just say?

"Sorry for being an asshole to you," Henry repeated.

Milly was stunned obviously. Henry, one of the people who has been bullying her friends since middle school (who should've been the one bullied considering how he acts), is apologizing for his actions!

"Is it just because I beat you up orrrr...?"

"You beating me up made me realize I sorta have to apologize," Henry replied. He then cracks the most evil looking grin. Milly resisted the urge to groan, she could feel him about to tell the worst joke she would ever hear in her life.

"I guess you could say..."

"Oh God no"

"You beat some sense into me."

"If you say another joke like that again, I'm snapping your neck right then and there."

Henry just shrugged and said, "Eh, could be worse."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

Henry just said, "This is detention, not therapy."

A few moments of awkward silence pass before anyone says anything. Milly is the one to break the silence.

"To be honest, I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

Milly thought before she spoke for once. "Why are you even friends with Drew? He literally treats you like shit."

"I don't really remember to be honest. I think I'm just friends with him because I make him look slightly better."

Milly is silent for a moment before saying, "I thought this wasn't therapy."

"Well I sure as hell need it."

They continue to chat about other things, their interests, stuff like that.

Milly said suddenly, "You know, we are pretty freaking similar."

Henry just stares ahead for a bit, before saying, "You know what, we are."

"Let's keep this between us, since, y'know," Milly clicked her tongue, "our friends sorta hate each other."

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