Birthday Shenanigans

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Btw this chapter will have three other fandoms mixed in. Wilderlore, School of Fear, and The Magic Misfits.

"Happy birthday!"

"WHAT THE FUCK," Henry yelled out as he heard the unprompted celebration.

Garrison woke up from his nap, it's all you can do when you're stuck in a white void where the only "furniture" is torture devices made for you.

"Wait what?" Carter said, sitting down.

"It's Henry's-," Jester pointed at well, Henry, "-birthday!"

"Please tell me that I won't suffer today."


"God damnit."

Barclay got up suddenly, "Wait, so how are we supposed to do this? There is literally nothing here."

Jester manifests a cake out of thin air


Henry sighs, "Just kill me already..."

"Lighten up a bit!"

"Easy for you to say Gary, all of your deaths were accidental."

"Please don't call me that again."

"Woah! Garrison being polite for once? Who are you and what did you do with him?" Carter joked.

"Oh my god..."

"Can we please just get this started?" Barclay said, probably one of the sanest ones besides Carter in this void.

"Just dont touch me with your fantasy rabies or whatever disease you have," Henry said

"Hey! I don't have it now!"

"You still have Root with you, so I don't trust that you don't."

"That storyline was abandoned last night!"

"Guys? Can you please be quiet?" Carter said.

"Sorry man."

The next thing they knew and they all were sat at a round table.

"Sing Happy Birthday."

"Wha-" Barclay tried to say


And they listened like they had a gun pointed at their heads (Let's be real, they probably did).

Carter and Garrison were the only ones to sing somewhat decently, Barclay tried (and failed) to follow their lead, and Henry just sat there awkwardly.

"What di-"

"To die" Henry said before Carter could finish his sentence

"Real," Garrison said

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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