Henry Headcanons Lmao

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• Trans + Bi

• he has them crunchy ass bones lol

• Has a Tumblr blog

• Writes fanfiction, this is canon and you know it

• Self esteem issues

• Something is messed up in that little brain of his. No I'm not projecting what are you talking about

• Can give people puppy dog eyes but only does it to people who don't know him and his age.

• Probably drops random lore about his family like, "My grandpa stalked and murdered someone over beets," and then pretends he never said anything (real)

• Will stop doing anything just to pet an animal.

• Has gotten rabies before. See above

• Has gotten a disease because of lettuce.

• Has eaten dirt and snow before on purpose.

Sorry for the non story chapter. My brain is too busy making Henry suffer to make a coherent story lmao

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