My Name Is Konohamaru! (Land Of Waves Arc)

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After getting my headband from Iruka yesterday I started to walk through the village while holding it in my hand.

Y/N:Isn't that Naruto? Hey Naruto! How you doing?

Naruto:Oh Y/N I'm doing good. Get this some brat that just so happened to be Lord hokage's grandson tried to challenge me.

Y/N:Sounds like a handful.

Naruto:I just don't want him bothering me.

I suddenly sensed some chakra behind us.

Y/N:Who's there!

A cloth started shaking and moving. I ripped it off and saw it was just some random kid.

 I ripped it off and saw it was just some random kid

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Naruto:Y/N that's him!

Y/N:Really what does he want?

Konohamaru:No way its actually Y/N!

Y/N:How do you know who I am.

Konohamaru:You're the strongest and coolest guy at the ninja academy.

Y/N:You know what. You're not that bad.

Naruto:What about me.

Konohamaru:Both of you guys are the boss. That's why I want both of you to train me. Especially that effective technique you used on grandpa. *points at Naruto*

Naruto:*looks at me* Well how can we refuse.

We started walking through the village as Naruto started to talk to Konohamaru.

Naruto:Listen you want to be a master ninja you have to believe it.

Y/N:Don't listen to him. If you really want to be a master ninja you have to learn how to use your chakra effectively. Learn ninjutsu and taijutsu. Most importantly, you have to find out your chakra nature.

Konohamaru:Alright you know your stuff. As expected of my teacher.

Naruto:So we can see what you can do transform into her. *points to a lady buying supplies*

Konohamaru:Alright I'll give it a go.

He transformed into a fat and ugly version of the person we told him too.

Naruto:I mean the clothes aren't off. Kinda looks like her.

Lady:That looks like me. *angry*

Y/N:Sorry madam we only wanted to teach him how to do jutsu.

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