The Broken Seal (Land Of Waves Arc)

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Kakashi:Don't Sakura. You shouldn't push them. Even if they overcame this jutsu they still couldn't beat this ninja.

Sakura:How can you be so sure?

Kakashi:They have the ambition to win but not the drive to kill.

Zabuza:Yeah. Your village never taught your trainees to kill their emotions.

Kakashi:Well I should take you out now. *shows sharingan*

Zabuza:Really. That same old trick.

Kakashi then rushed at Zabuza managed to stab his forearm.

Kakashi:If it was the same old trick then why did you fall for it. Count yourself lucky you're the only man that has seen my sharingan twice.

(In ice mirrors)
Sasuke:Use your blue fire technique again Y/N. It was effective the first time.

Y/N:Alright. Blue Fire Technique:Fireball.

It managed to melt two mirrors on impact

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It managed to melt two mirrors on impact.

Haku:I know you need me Zabuza. I'll finish these two of quickly.

Kakashi:I already beat you before. I can do it again. Stand down Zabuza.

Zabuza:You really thought our last battle was win or lose. I'm here for a rematch. *tries to slash kakashi*

Kakashi then blocked it as Zabuza vanished into the mist.

Kakashi:His eyes are closed.

Zabuza:You wanted me to believe you could see through anything. Even through time. Kakashi you're a fraud. You make your abilities seem more powerful than they actually are. Now that I know this I know how to defeat you. By keeping my eyes closed.

(In the mirrors)
As Haku travelled across the mirror Sasuke was able to perceive his movements and hit him.

Haku:He read my movements. How?

Sasuke:Naruto do that again.

Naruto:Of course I can do it again believe it.

Sasuke:He doesn't want to show it but he's exhausted. The shadow clone jutsu uses too much chakra.

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