Chapter 3: The Date

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Marinette's POV

As Friday creeped up upon us so did my date with Adrien. It is safe to say that Alya was very pleased with our progress in friendship. She even bombarded her phone with fanfics about us which was... annoying.

I ran downstairs and bid goodbye to my parents as I grabbed a croissant and rushed out the door.

"Late again Marinette!" Tikki exclaimed

"Yeah well, that late night akuma attack really left me with no sleep" I argued

"Oh Marinette! You have to stop with these excuses ya know" she said casually 

"Hide Tikki" I said as I saw Alya approach us.

"Hey girll" she said with a devilish smirk on her face

"h-hey" I said shyly, knowing where this was going

"Soooo you excited for today??" She said suspiciously

"Uggh Alya! I swear can you not!!" I whined 

"No I cannot not" She said smugly.

I rolled my eyes and walked inside the school for class. Adrien was already inside, sitting down. He had his usual white shirt and striped t-shirt. He smiled as I walked by and I could feel my cheeks heating up. 

In the middle of class I caught him staring at me and I felt my face go red. He winked at me and gave my a toothy grin. I was about to pass out but Alya gave me my water bottle and smirked. I dissed her off and continued watching the blonde in front of me. Once he caught me staring and I blushed extremely hard. I truly was loosing it. 


Marinette POV:

I saw Adrien waiting outside with a... sad look on his face? I got confused and ran out the door to greet him. 

"Adrien, what's wrong?" I asked with a concernred tone in my voice.

"Marinette look, I didn't want this to happen but my father booked a last minute photoshoot and-

"You can't go to the ice rink with me." I said in a monotone voice.

"I am so sorry Marinette" He said apologeticly 

"Adrien, it's OK,I mean you are a super famous model, why would you have time for a stupid baker girl like me?" I said 

"Marinette I swear it's not like that,... here I want you to have this"

Adrien pushed a magazine into my hand. I looked at it and saw that it was a Marq Bênoit original! 

"It belonged to my mother, and I thought you would like it" He said

"Like it? I LOVE IT" I said/yelled

People around us began to stare so my face got red with embarrassment.

Adrien chuckled and said, "Well Marinette, I'll see you around"

I kissed him on the cheek and said, "Yeah see you around" 

He got into his car and I watched as they drove away into the city. I felt a heavy feeling on my heart but then remembered the magazine in my hand. I walked into the house humming "Hymne à l'Amour". I think I was falling in love.

Aaaaand that is the conclusion of chapter 3. I am sorry it is so short and that it took me like three months to publish this. My mother recently passed away so my life is being flipped inside-out. Hopefully I will be able to post more often. Thank you for 33 reads! It means a lot to me that my stories are actually being read! Comment on my profile if I should write a BakuDeku, KamiJirou or Zutara fanfic. Byeeeeeeeeeeee!

                                                                                                                                    ~Word Count: 578

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