Chapter One

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The annoying, repetitive alarm awoke the (h/c) abruptly, as they grumbled opening there eyes. Opening and closing there mouth a few times, as they felt the dryness in their throat. Taking a deep breath in, and sighing as they realised they needed to get up. Turning their head they looked at the floor, Would it of been easier to just roll out of bed and onto the floor? It would be faster too, and it would wake them up more. After a few seconds, of a mental debate they decided. It was best to actually getting up. Sitting upright, then moving their feet onto the ground they shifted their body stretching their arms, as multiple popping sounds could be heard as they moved their stiff body. 

Grabbing their clothes, and wash kit they headed to the bathroom careful as to not make any loud noises. Stopping at a white door, decorated with bright stickers on it. A large piece of paper was hanging from it, writing clearly could be seen from the black Marker's. It read ' BAI HES ROOM. NO BOYS' 

(Y/n) snorted at this, as they read it. When had she even put it up? It certainly wasn't on there when she had gone to bed last night. Quietly opening the door, they looked inside checking on her.  The second they had opened the door, they were bombarded with Pink. The entire room, was pink. The carpet's, the wall's, the Bed cover's and the Bed frame. Smiling softly, upon noticing, that Bai He was fast asleep, clutching a Monkey teddy in her arms. Cute.

Closing the door softly, the continued their way to the bathroom. Like the majority of the door's, it was white, though this one had a few chips in it, compared to the other's. Shutting the door, and locking it (y/n) quickly discarded their Slipper's their feet suddenly becoming cold as they did this. Scratching there neck, which had gotten sweaty. Wiping it they, swiped it with a flish of there wrist. Ew. 

Hand, on the tap They turned it on, grabbing A rag from their wash kit. They dipped it into the water, lathering it with soap. They took a deep breath, before plunging their head into the water. The water, rippled against their skin, clashing against it as The cold embrace properly woke them up. Placing their hand on the sink, they clenched it tightly eyebrows furrowed, as face began to burn. 

Swinging their head up, letting out a deep gasp, before breathing in suddenly having now been completely woken up. Slapping their cheek, before taking the Soapy rag and washing their face. After washing the soap off, they then washed their neck, arms and under arms. Grabbing the plug, they pulled it out watching as the now dirty washed away.

"I'm still tired" They said to themselves, as they grabbed the Towel patting their face and body dry.

"what time did i even go to sleep last night?" They asked, grabbing their phone. Checking their messages, they almost cursed. Four am. Their last message was at 4:09 am, before they went to sleep. Slapping their forehead, at the fact they had gone to sleep so late. Checking the time, they noticed it was 6:20 am. Yeah, they were gonna need Caffeine/Sugar. Grabbing, their clothes they quickly began to get change, taking their pajama's off and throwing them in a corner. Pulling the Jumper over their head, they looked in the mirror. 

"Don't you look cute!" They complimented themself, making finger guns in the mirror, doing their best to boost their confidence. 

Yawning as they turned around they made their way back to Bai He's room. They knocked on the door, multiple time in order to make sure she woke up. 

"Don't turn around on the bed! I know you just put the cover over your head! stop ignoring me!" They waited, crossing their arms over eachother as they tapped their foot against the floor. They weren't a mind reader, far from it. They just knew their sister. Narrowing your eyes, you debated going in their and grabbing the cover off her. 

"Fine! I'm gonna eat all the chocolate spread! You're (Choice of spread) On your toast!" That was the kicker. A smirk appeared on their face, as they listened to a loud thud. Most likely cause they fell out of the bed. Turning around, they decided to run to the kitchen for dramatic affect. 

"No! I don't like your Jam/Spread! it tastes bad!" Bai He yelled running to the door.

"Get ready then, otherwise i'm eating it!"

The sound of drawer's could be heard, as she opened them desperately grabbing at her clothes clothes.

Laughing, as they turned the kettle on. They had already prepared, Bai He's lunch, grabbing it and placing it on the counter.  Quickly making a coffee/hot chocolate/tea, They placed the Toast in, before opening the fridge. They had pre-made breakfast, Grabbing the Congee the placed it in the microwave, once it was done they switched the congee with some dumplings, putting the microwave on once again.


'Huh, What chocolate sp-OH' They thought, turning around. 

"chill i didn't eat it, I'm not THAT mean" They said opening the cupboard and grabbing it placing the jar on the table so she could see. Bai He quickly grabbed The chocolate spread, opening Making sure it was all in there. Looking over, they raised an eyebrow before noticing something.

"Bai He (L/n) Why is there a massive Hole the chocolate spread?" Bai He began to sweat, her entire name being said. She clutched the Chocolate spread in her hands, which had obiously had previously been gutted with a spoon. Sweat dripped down her neck, as she felt the stare her sister/brother/sibling gave them. She didn't even need to look, to know that they had their arms on their hips. 

"The Monkey King did it?" She said, pointing to her Monkey plush. 

"Oh really?" 

Bai He gulped, knowing they were in trouble. Suddenly beeping noise could be heard. "right! the dumplings!" Quickly taking them out the microwave the put it on the table, Grabbing the toast and putting on a plate. 

"can you do it yourself?"

"Yeah!" Bai He said, thankful that there brother/sister/sibling had been distracted and forgot about it.

"You excited for school?" (y/n) asked, drinking there hot chocolate/coffee/Tea. 

"Yeah i get to see my boyfriend!"

"oh really-WHAT!?" They practically choked, on their drink coughing as they looked up. 

"You're too young for a boyfriend! You're Seven!" (Y/n) exclaimed, placing the mug on the table. They were gonna spill it otherwise. "How does my sister have a boyfriend before me?" They asked themselves, taking a deep breath in.

"He's in my class! We share out Juice boxes" Bai He stated, looking so excited. (Y/n) placed their mouth in their hand glancing anywhere, as to of not laugh. That's so cute. funny but cute. 

"Uhh, also"

She passed some envelope's, to (y/n) had grabbed them. "I saw them at the door and thought i should give them to you" 

Ruffling their hair, as they began to eat their breakfast they opened the envelope. "Money, Money, Bills, Bills, What's this?" (Y/n) asked themselves, as they opened it. It wasn't money from any of the gigs they had done, and thankfully it wasn't anything bad. It was a letter? 

" to my, dear Yú húdié, I noticed that you aren't getting as many gigs at the moment, Pigsy's is looking for worker's, I recommend going there. Goodish pay, nice hours. You could probably get free Noodles for the little devil Yours sincerely Your Simi ; D" 

Bai He who had snook over your shoulder's and read it spoke up. "They put the comma wrong" She said with the most serious tone. "even i know you don't put a comma there" (Y/n) snickered, squeezing there eyes shut tears in there eyes. Not that it would of mattered much.

"Are you going to apply?" Bai He asked, looking up interested. Pausing (y/n) thought about it putting their lips together. it would make sense after all, before nodding.

Bai He looked at the letter, eyebrows furrowed. "are they your boyfriend? Why didn't he send a text? can I meet him? do you like him?" (y/n)'s face felt red, as they asked those questions. "I don't know why he didn't send a text, and Were just friends?" Even they didn't seem that convinced. 

"Go brush your teeth! You're gonna be late!" Bai He sprinted to the bathroom, Grabbing the now empty pot's, they put them under the tap, soaking them with water, Grabbing the sponge and dish soap, they began to clean the pots, placing them on the drying rack. Once it was finished they dried their hands. Their eyes drifted to the letter as they waited for Bai He, Swfitly grabbing it they folded it placing it in their pockets. It wouldn't hurt to check it out right? what was the most damage that could happen? Them saying no? 

"Come on Kiddo! You're gonna be late!" 

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