I Don't Know if I Can Forgive

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I don't know if I can forgive, but I wanna know if I can still love,

Love after all the pain and misfortune you dealt,

Can I find the kindness in myself that you couldn't find in your own heart?

Can I raise my voice for my causes after you muffled it for so long?

After all of what happened can I still find the joy I held in my youth before it all turned?

I don't know if I can forgive, truly I don't know if I can,

It's not that the anger warms my soul or engulfed my heart, though maybe once upon a time it did,

I think it is just that somethings cannot be forgiven, no matter how much you want to forgive, no matter how much the person changed, or how you now might understand the why,

Some things aren't forgivable,

They remain black and oily a stain, a constant ugly reminder,

But I think, I think maybe somethings although unforgivable and unforgettable just might be something you can move on from,

Something that with mutual growth and understanding can still mar but just be a blemish in something worth creating,

I think despite the pain, the misunderstanding, the misfortune, and the oily black that I can still love you.

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