Chapter 1

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Amara's pov :

"Idiot !"

My brother James screamed at my other brother Jake , for pouring water on his head. I giggled while taking another bite from my pancake.

"You deserved that. You do the same to me every single day" Jake said while swallowing his tea.

"Boys stop it , you're not kids anymore." My mama told them while entering the dining room. "Good morning Amara ,baby"

"Good morning mama" I said smiling at her.

"Where's your dad ?"

"He's been in his office since 7 am. He rarely eats breakfast with us."  James spoke , rolling his eyes.

"Do you know why ?"

"I have no idea"


I sat on my bed , reading a book my mom gave me for my 22 birthday, which was a month ago. It's really romantic , my favorite.

"Amara ? Love ?"  Isabella , my maid said while peeking into my room.

"Yes Isabella ?"

"Your fathers wants you in his office" she told me with a smile.

"Okay". I made my way to my father's office. When I got closer , I started hearing screaming and yelling.

"Dad you're not real for letting that happen !" I heard James saying.

"She just turned 22 , you can't make her suffer from that !" Mom yelled.

"Guys , what's going on ?" I said walking in my dads office. I sat on the couch next to my mother.

"Amara , you're getting married in a month". Dad said , with no emotions on his face.

"W-what ? That's a joke right?" I looked at my mom and saw her teary eyes.

"That's a joke right ? Answer me dad ?!" I said with a louder voice.

"Don't raise your voice at me ! What I said was clear". Dad told me , making my tears fall down my cheek.

"Dad how can you do this to me , I'm your only daughter! Don't let me do this , please " I uttered.

"There's no going back , I already talked to the man and everything is done"

"I can't believe you , i really can't" Jake said . He got up from his seat and hugged me, letting me cry on his chest.

"I'm so sorry Ra-Ra , there's nothing I can do , you know how dad is" he mumbled through my hair , kissing my head.

"Have some feelings, just for once. I always knew you never loved us , but at least, be a good father." James said as he walked out of dads office.

I let go from Jake and looked at dad.

"At least tell me who I'm marrying" I said wiping my tears.

"Damien Salvatore. Next week , we have a ball to announce the news. You'll meet him , and going to his house" he stated.

"What ! Dad you know how heartless he is ! Why him ??" I asked and more tears run down my cheeks.

"He's taking over his fathers mafia , and he needs a wife. You know how me and his father are close , so he wanted someone he can trust."

"I'm sorry to say this but I hate you , so much. I'm going to my room" I looked at mama one last look and ran to my room.

I slammed the door shut , I threw myself on my bed and sobbed.


After good 40 minutes of crying , I finally calmed myself down. Then I heard the door open. I looked up and saw my mother with red eyes. 

"you're okay with that ? Aren't you?"

"Of course I'm not my dear !" She sat on my bed, resting her back on the headboard. She cupped my cheeks in her hands and wiped my tears.

"Of course I'm not okay with this! You're my only daughter, my baby , my best friend, how can I give you up so easily? I tried talking to your father but you know how he is. I'm so sorry baby"

I sat on her lap , she rubbed my back and stroked it with her fingers. "It's okay mama."

"I love you sweetheart, I love you so much" she kissed my head and cheeks.

" I love you more"


Author's note

Hello guys ! Thank you for giving my book a chance . I have you like it. Leave your feedback and don't forget to vote and share ! 🫶🏻

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