Chapter 6

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Damien's pov:

What has gotten into me ? Days ago I was telling her that I don't want our relationship to grow. And now here am I , on the couch with her sleeping one my chest.

That fucking father of hers, I always knew he was bad to his children. But I didn't thought it was that bad. He fucking ruined her life , she grew up being traumatized because of that animal.

The door of my office opened , revealing Rhys. He walked up to us with a surprised look on his face. I don't blame him.

"Wow , is Damien Salvatore becoming a softie for his wife ?". Rhys teased, with a smirk on his face.

"Shut it Rhys."

"It's 6:57 right now , shouldn't you wake her up for training ?"

"No , maybe she'll start tomorrow". I looked at her on my chest , she moved her arm around my torso and moved her head close to my neck.

"Why not ?"

"Because. Also , she won't train with knifes and guns"

"What ? That's the most important thing!" Rhys said in a loud voice, causing Amara to move in her sleep. I put a finger on my lips to shut him of then brushed Amara's hair with my fingers, making her calm down.

What is wrong with me ?? Why am I doing this to her ?

"Woah Damien , are you in love ?"

"No I'm not Rhys , but she needs someone to comfort her, and I guess that's my job as a husband".

"This is making me so confused, but I won't ask"

"Yeah , don't".


After Rhys left , at 12 am. Amara was still asleep, I picked her up and took her to her room. I laid her on the bed and covered her. I walked back to my office and got her bags then put them one the floor.

When I was about to walk out , I heard her saying something. When I turned around, I saw her moving her legs uncontrollably and murmuring something. Her breaths got louder.

Shit. She's having a nightmare.

I rushed to her bed not knowing what to do. I sat on it and pulled her closer to me. Hoping it would calm her down.

"Shh you're okay , he's not here". I thought this would calm her down , but it got worse. She started crying and screaming.

"Amara , wake up ! It's just a dream.". And after 3 long minutes, she woke up. She had tears running down her cheeks, messy hair , and breathing heavily.

"You good now ?". I tried to be as calm as I can , so I don't scare her more. She didn't respond, she just laid her hair on my chest , crying more.

I didn't know what to do. It was my first time dealing with someone having a panic attack or whatever this is. Maybe I just need to calm her down.

Without a second thought, I pulled her in my lap so she's straddling me. She wrapped her arms around my neck , her face in the crook of it. I brushed down her hair , and rubbed her back.

I had no clue about what I'm doing. I just want her to be okay.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I said quietly. She shook her head, not wanting to speak about anything. I leaned my back on the headboard with my legs laying straight on the bed.

I thought she'd fall back asleep but eventually she didn't. She kept playing with the hair in the back of my head.

After 15 minutes of sitting in serenity, she sat up and looked up me , still on my lap. My hands moved from her back to her waist , but I moved them away , not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry". She said.

"You have no reason to be sorry". She didn't reply. She wiped her dry tears with the back of her hand.

"Umm- can you , if you don't mind- can you sleep here tonight ? Only tonight". She asked. I didn't say anything for a few seconds , but then I answered.


"I'll just go to the bathroom." She got up and went to the bathroom. I went to my room to shower, my clothes are covered with makeup.


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