Chapter 5

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Amara's pov:

"That's why you shouldn't run after a man , THEY run after you-". I listened to that woman on YouTube while putting on my makeup, maybe I can learn something from her.

After what happened that night , which was 3 days ago. I decided to stop doing what I'm doing. I'm not gonna run after that guy because one day he'll be running after me.

I heard a knock on my door so I opened it and saw Amelia.

""Hello dear , Damien wants you in his office"

"Okay". I paused that video on YouTube then walked up to his office. I knocked on the door then slowly peeked in.

"Come in , Amara". He said putting whatever he was busy with down. I walked in and sat on the leather couch.

"These are some clothes you need to bring them to Spain. We have a ball to attend". He said putting 4 bags next to me.

"Open them later. These clothes and accessories are really important , they have tracking devices attached to it so if something happened to you , we can find you easily." He took a breath then continued.

"Also , starting from tonight, you'll have a little self- defense session with me or Rhys. So at 7 pm , I expect you to be at the gym on the second floor, not a minute after"

"Okay but , what are you going to teach me ?"

"Using a gun , stabbing , and some more"

No no no please , not that again.

"What ?? No no no , I am not doing that !".

"Amara , this is not a choice. You have to."

"B-but - Damien please understand that I can't do that ! Please !". My eyes began watering. He got up from his seat , making his way to me. He sat next to me but facing me.

"What happened ?". He asked with a stern tone.

"No I'm not gonna say anything ! H-he said if I told anyone, h-he would do something bad !". And I didn't even know I was sobbing until I felt my tears on my thigh.

"Amara , no one will hurt you as long as you're my wife , tell me". He doesn't even speak with a lower tone , which makes me more scared.

I looked at his eyes and saw no emotions , nothing. "P-promise not to do anything bad"

"I've been doing bad stuff all my life , it doesn't matter"

"Just promise ! Or I won't tell"

"Fine , I promise". I looked at him one more time , before looking back at my lap , fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.

"W-when I was about 10 years old, my father changed his behavior with me , he became more aggressive and get mad at me on little things."

I looked at Damien and saw him focusing on what I'm saying. "One day , he took me to the basement, and there was two guys tied up in a chair. H-he told me to c-cut their finger off. And not only fingers , arms , toes , tongues. And he also ordered me to cut their skin off. And I did"

"Then he told me to kill them , and I did , I was just 10. From that day , I hate everything that is related to mafia , and I never asked about anything. And when my brothers and mother found out , they were so angry. So they told me to never involve myself with their work."

"I grew up traumatized, I hated the sound of guns , and I hated seeing my family use it."

At the time I finished talking , I was sobbing. I raised my head up , looking in Damien's green eyes again. He didn't show any emotion. He got up from his seat , went to his desk and came back with a tissue box. I took one and wiped my nose.

My eyes didn't stop crying. We both sat there in silence, just the sound of my sobs. And unexpectedly, I felt something wiping my cheek. I looked up and saw Damien's thumb wiping my tears away.

Unexpectedly, too. I felt him pulling me into a hug. He laid my head on his chest , playing with the ends of my hair. Then the pain was all gone , by sleeping in his chest.


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