Chapter 25

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Damien's pov:

"What the fuck ??! When did that happen ??". I screamed at Marcus , who was looking at his laptop screen.

"I just got a notification saying twenty five millions are withdrawn from your bank account"

"Who did it ??"

"Unknown. But I'll find out now". He started tapping on the keyboard.

I'm so angry right now, I already know who did it. My bank account is under security. No one can inter it without a password. How did they manage to do that ?

"It's from someone called Bruce. Isn't that the French mafia boss ?"

"I fucking knew it ! This fucker wants to play , we can play too. Prepare me a plane to French by tomorrow morning, I need to see him in person"


"Well well well , look who we got here". Bruce said , spinning in his chair. I just arrived to French. I'm so tired due to nit sleeping but I need to get this shit done.

"Bruce , grow the fuck up. We're not kids. Why the hell did you take my money ??"

"Because I want to , can't I ? I already told you I want money and you refused. So I got it in the hard way"

"Bruce , are we kids ? Why would I give you money fir if you won't give me anything?? This is not going to benefit me in any way"

The only thing I live about myself now is that I'm reminding myself to stay calm. Or maybe I'm just tired.

"By tonight, if my money isn't back in my account , something won't is going ti happed and you're not going to like it"

He laughed then said, "Mhm sure. Just to remind you that I know where's you're wife and sister right now , and I know every single move they're making. So you better watch out"

This bitch ..

"Good for you. Bruce , we both know that you wouldn't dare to do anything to them. You're really weak. And you also should remember that I have many good relations with all other mafias , especially the American one. And they all know who bitchy you are , and how you threat without doing anything. So you better watch out. Because
I can easily call Smith and tell him everything , he'll just start a war the second I hang up. You know how protective he is of his family"

"You fucker !". The old man got up from his seat and punched me. Sophie would punch me harder than that.

My fist fluttered and landed on his cheek. He fell on the ground, I quickly tackled him and punched him. After he was unconscious, I got up and left.


Walking back in my house , I went to my room and threw my body on the bed. The smell of Amara immediately reached my nose as soon as I laid down.

I miss her so much.

This woman made me feel something I never did to anyone. And I like that.


Author's Notes:

Three days without posting ?!! 😱😱 well yeah because I've been really busy and not even in my house so I don't have time to write.

Anyway I'll try to write these days more than on chapter a day. Love you guys 🥰

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