chapter 31

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*You mean THE KIM FAMILY?* asked Jungkook's mom, surprised.
" Yes, Mr. Kim and I used to be friendly rivals but ever since he retired, we lost touch. I guess I'll retire soon too. Now that our Jungkookie has started his own company, I can finally rest.
I will also ask Jungkook if he wants to be the CEO of my company or if it'll be too much work for him. I'll leave that for Jungkook to decide." finished Jungkook's dad.

"I get it honey, you should retire now. We'll talk to Jungkook about this tomorrow evening when he comes back from work." added Jungkook's mom.

The sun shone brightly as Jungkook rubbed his eyes before practically jumping out of bed. Today was his first day at work and he couldn't be more excited. He made his bed, took a nice shower and completed his morning routine in under 30 minutes.
He spent a long time getting ready, making sure his tie was placed well and that there were no folds on his coat. The young gentleman swept his hair back, securing it into a neat and polished style, a prelude to his professional demeanor for the workday.
For the final touch, he applied perfume to his wrist, neck and clothing to leave a subtle and pleasent aroma.
Jungkook was ready for his big day.
For breakfast, his mother made him pancakes and prepared his favourite banana milk. Jungkook heartily ate his meal. After he was done eating breakfast, he drank some water and popper a mouth freshner into his mouth so that his breath smelled good.
Finally, he wore his neatly polished shoes along with perfectly kept socks.
He was ready now, ready for his first day of work.
He hugged his parents and bowed to them before leaving for work. His parents wished him luck and told him he'd do great.

As soon as Jungkook got into his car, he suddenly felt really anxious and nervous. To feel better, he put on some good music and instantly started feeling better.
He reached his workplace in about 15 minutes.
He parked his car in his company's parking lot and headed inside the building. As soon as he entered the building, people bowed to him as he made his way up to his office while bowing back at each one of them.
As he sat down on his office chair, he realised how far he had come. He was proud of himself.

Taehyung reached Jungkook's office building around 8 am, just a few minutes after Jungkook had arrived. He has spent the morning preparing Jungkook's banana milk, buying a freshly baked cake and fresh flowers for his love.
He entered the building and made his way up Jungkook's office.
" Surprise!" Exclaimed Taehyung as he put the cake and banana milk on the table while gave flowers to Jungkook and hugged him tight. Jungkook was surprised and really happy to see Taehyung.
" I'm so proud of you Kookie, you've come a long way." said Taehyung. He was looking at Jungkook with love in his eyes.
Jungkook couldn't help but smile and get emotional. Taehyung had been so thoughtful and had missed an important day at work just to come surprise him. " I missed you." said Taehyung to which he cupped Jungkook's face and they shared a small, passionate kiss. After they pulled away, Jungkook smiled and told Taehyung how he missed him too. Taehyung then gave Jungkook the cake and the banana milk he had prepared for him. Jungkook was surprised and once again, very grateful to have  Taehyung in his life. What would he do without him. Taekook then cut the cake together and spent quality time with each other while they savoured the delicious chocolate cake.
10:00 a.m.

Soon, it was time for Taehyung to leave since Jungkook had to work and Taehyung had to work from home too. He had taken a day off of work, but he couldn't spend his day sitting idle. He had lots to do.
Jungkook gave Taehyung a big bear hug. Taehyung hugged him back. He held Jungkook in his arms and  tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear and gave him a small, soft kiss on his cheeks before leaving. Jungkook was a blushing mess and smiled to himself before resuming work.
( Yes Jungkook did keep the flowers in his flower vase.)

I hope y'all enjoyed reading this chapter! Please do comment and lmk what y'all would like to see happen next in the story.
Have a great day lovelies<33

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