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"So, what are the plans for today?" I asked, holding onto Tom's hand

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"So, what are the plans for today?" I asked, holding onto Tom's hand.

"First i'm going to show you the church, which is why we're here... and then i'm gonna take you out for pizza, because the town place is quite good. It's like their signature place." Tom opens the door of the church, letting me inside.

"Sounds good." I squeezed his hand, walking in with him. "This is Pastor Mike, I think you'll be very fond of him." He points to him.

"Here earlier then expected, Tom." Pastor Mike walked up to us. "Mike, this is my wife, Olivia." Tom introduced me, to him.

"Liv is fine, but it's so nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "I understand you've recently found your faith?" He questions.

"Yeah, just a little while ago." I smiled.

"I remember... once Tom first hired me, he was a fine young man, he just never appreciated the religion much, but he's changed. I'm assuming you've had a big part in that?" He looks to Tom.

"Uhm... I actually don't know what made Tom, find himself." I chuckled, scratching the back of my head, awkwardly. Was it because of me?


"Love can be a beautiful thing, it can make you come to realization, i've seen it in lots of people." Pastor Mike, explained.

"I gotta be real with you, Mike. I was really losing myself, but then Livvy suggested taking a breather and moving here, I found myself loving every part of the community." Tom admits

"That's amazing, i'm sure God holds so much for the both of you." He places his hands on both of our shoulders. I suddenly heard, a bunch of people start coming inside.

I really hoped God's plans for us were pure.


"This is Pasquale's, the towns pizza place." Tom gestures to the shop in front of us.

"Well we better get inside, i'm freezing." I rubbed my hands together, trying to create a warm friction. Tom and I, went up the smalls steps. The bells on the door, jingling as he opened it.

It was different, then most places. Here you ordered the food first at the front, then you sat down and they gave you a number to place on your table, it was definitely better than waiting.

I went to sit in front of Tom in the booth, but I found myself being pulled right beside him, instead. "Well hello." I joked, our faces being inches apart. "Hi." He grins.

"Why am I not sitting in front of you, that's usually how dates usually work Tom." I laughed.

"I like the warmth."

"Well, you're lucky I like you." I raised my brows. Urgh. I was so corny, but he made me that way.

"Like?" He raised his brows as well.

"Love." I roll my eyes. "Watch the attitude." He runs a finger across my jaw. "What? You gonna fuck it out of me?" I was half teasing, half not.

"Do you want me to?" Tom leans in placing small kisses down my jawline. "I don't know do I?" I pulled his face back up to meet mine.

"I think you've been disrespectful lately, might need to teach you a lesson. You think?" He leans in, pecking me on my lips.

"I do think so." I nodded, digging my fingernails into his neck. "Oh yeah?" He challenges.

I sighed, pulling away.

He looks to me confused, before noticing the waiter had brought us our pizza and coke.

"Thank you." Tom sends a gracious smile, damn this pizza did really look good. I tear a slice off, biting into it. My eyes practically rolled into the back of my head. "I love Minnesota." I moaned.


"Tom, for living in a small town we've been driving for around thirty minutes." It looked as if  we were going in circles. "Are you lost?" I asked.

"No, I know exactly where i'm going." He shook his head, it seemed like he was finally pulls in somewhere, parking the car.

"Baby have you got dementia? This parking lot doesn't look like our house." I couldn't make out the place, it was foggy out due to the snow.

He doesn't respond, letting me out the car I followed him nearing the entrance. That's when I read, the name of the place.

'Paws and claws, humane society.'

"Am I getting a kitten?" I gasped, seeing all the cats staring out the window.

"I guess." He lets out a deep sigh, I wanted to start jumping up and down out of excitement.

"Could we take a look at the cats?" Tom asks an employee, she nods walking over. She opens the door of the room that held them all, it felt like heaven in here, oh my goodness.

"If you find one you like, let me know and we can get started on the applications." The lady walks back to her desk, letting us take a look.

I suddenly saw a carbon copy of the one I wanted. "That one." I pointed to him, confident.

"You haven't even seen any of them yet." Tom interjects. "I don't care, that's my baby." I squinted at the white kitten.

"I thought I was your baby?" Tom fake pouts. "You're a huge baby." I waved him off, taking the white kitten in my arms.

I heard him start purring immediately.

"Baby! He's so cute! And fluffy, and he has blue eyes! Can I get him? Please!" I held the cat up in the air. He was such a cutie.

"Let me see." Tom puts his hands out, I hand Tom the kitten, seeing him get preoccupied. I think he liked the one I chose.

"I'm gonna name him Tom!" I squealed, excited. "Please, no." Tom cringes. "Nope! It's Tom the cat, you're Tom the husband!"

"Oh dear."

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