The Ghost Killer (Prologue)

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-Third Person-
+-+This hole book will be third person so this is all u gettin'+-+
(-17 words)

The Walker brothers both watched as the enemy's fleet of ships blew up, not being able to help the small proud smiles. They had won the war, for the fallen soldiers, for fallen ghosts, for their father.

They were waiting on the recon team to find them so they could reunite with friends and go home. They both leaned against a rock, watching the explosions.

Logan had thought he heard something so he turned to see it, only to be met with a kick to the face that caused him to be knocked on his side. Logan quickly grabbed his knife and attempted to stab the attacker but was blocked. The attacker now revealed as Rorke.

Rorke held Logan's arm and hit it hard, probably fracturing it. He threw the knife aside and took the chance to punch Logan in the face, causing the weaker man to get thrown back onto his side.

Hesh had noticed but was too weak to be able to help, hanging his head tiredly and slightly shameful for not being able to move and help his brother.

Rorke walked in front of Hesh, facing the exploding ships then Hesh but continuing to stand, trying to seem more intimidating.

"Look at what you did." Rorke said lowly, kicking Hesh aside while all Logan could do was watch.

Rorke then turned back to Logan, "You're good." Rorke admitted before crouching down in front of him. "You would've been one hell of a ghost.. But that's not gonna happen."

Logan felt his breath hitch slightly, his mind racing but continuing to land on one thing. Rorke was going to kill him. He was almost curtain.

"There ain't gonna be any ghosts." Rorke continued, leaning closer. "We're gonna destroy them together."

After he finished speaking, Rorke grabbed Logan's leg and began dragging him away towards the treeline. Logan desperately tried to hold onto something to stop him, but nothing was in reach, and he was just so exhausted too.

"Logan..!" Hesh's hoarse voice rang out as he dropped to his side and reached for his brother who was doing the same, but he was already too far. "Logan!" He tried again, voice slightly clearer. As if saying his name would magically save him.


Then he was gone.

When Logan woke up, it was raining. He was in the rain. He was alone, in a pit with no way out, no clothes, his arm felt like needles were piercing it, and it was raining. Logan was sure he was going to die, but now he's sure of something far worse than death.

"Keegan, I already said I'm fine! I'm worried about my brother!" Hesh spat, trying to shrug the medics away only to wince when the bullet wounds in his abdomen hurt.

"I am too, but right now we have to patch you up before we can go find him." Keegan replied, now holding Hesh's arms gently since he didn't want to hurt the younger.

Hesh sighed and looked to the side, avoiding the older man's gaze. He wasn't going to put himself before his younger brother. Hesh wanted to know Logan was safe but he knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Fine." Hesh muttered before turning to face Keegan again. "But I want people to look for Logan. I want to know where my brother is." He stated sternly.

Keegan nodded, "I already sent out a search squad, they'll be back about 2100. Now sit still for the medics." He answered with a small forced smile and let go of the younger's arms.

Keegan backed away a bit when he saw Hesh wasn't fighting them, then left to go check on others while Hesh got his wounds treated.

Keegan wanted to reassure him, wanted to say everything would be fine and work out, but he couldn't, he couldn't say something he didn't know. But he was determined. Determined to get Hesh's brother back.

665 words

Heheheh, perfect start! Lil extra scene too cuz it fit. Anyway, if you haven't, read the description for info! Then I hope you like my book! :3

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