Silent Reaper +II+

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-Two years later-

Hesh sat in his cabin on the carrier, he held a photo of him, Logan, and Elias. His brother and father. Both apparently dead. Leaving him alone.

It was still slightly hard to process, but he pushed through. Keegan offered again and again his support, Merrick did once but it felt awkward and never offered again but was still there for him, Kick constantly made sure Hesh ate and drank but never pressured him to. Though, Hesh supposed, it was nice knowing he had friend's that cared.

Hesh hadn't smiled since before he watched Rorke take Logan. That was the last time he saw his little brother. And Hesh blamed himself. If only he had listened to Merrick, maybe, just maybe, he'd still be able to hug his brother.

A knock at his door startled him out of his blank space and Riley out of slumber. After shaking his head to clear it, Hesh tucked the photo into his pocket before going to answer the door. Standing on the other side was Merrick.

"We got a message." Merrick said, "It's not good."

"Show me." Hesh ushered.

Merrick nodded before turning and walking to the board room, Hesh followed close behind after closing his door, Riley behind Hesh. They walked through the somewhat crowded halls, passing their comrades without a word.

When they finally reached the board room, Merrick held the door open for Hesh and Riley, entering after them and closing the door. The room contained a long table with chairs and a whiteboard.

The only person in the room was Keegan, who was originally sitting down but stood when the door opened.

"What's the message?" Hesh questioned, walking over to where Keegan stood.

"It's a video." Keegan answered, an almost sad expression on his face. "It's from Rorke.."

Hesh paused at the name, remembering all the shit Rorke had put him through. Riley sat beside Keegan, his tail wagging slightly. Hesh paused for a moment then cleared his throat.

"Play it." Hesh nodded.

Merrick opened a laptop that was on the table, opening the drive's file before hitting space to start the video. He took a step back so the other two could see the screen too.

Rorke had begun the recording then stepped back a bit, a grin nearly plastered on his face. The face everyone in the room wanted to put a bullet in. Readers included.

"Long time since we last spoke, huh Hesh? Merrick, Keegan, I know you're probably there too." The recording of Rorke began. "I've got something to show you."

Rorke turned the camera around, showing a shooting range with a person on one end, three pictures on the other. The pictures being of Hesh, Keegan and Merrick.

The person had been entirely suited up, a black mask over their face to hide the identity. The person quickly drew their pistol and successfully shot all the pictures through what would've been their skulls a couple times, almost in one quick movement.

Rorke chuckled in the background while the unknown person put their gun back in its holster. Then the camera turned back around to Rorke's face that held an even bigger grin.

"Isn't it amazing? The perfect soldier. Follows orders, never fails, never retreats, only listens to me." Rorke explained, "It's perfect.. I wish Elias and Logan could've seen it. Too bad really."

Hesh's jaw clenched and he dug his father and brother's mask out of his pocket, glancing down at it before focusing back on the recording.

The camera had turned back to the mystery soldier as they turned and began walking away, tossing a grenade over their shoulder without looking before they walked through a door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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