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Kai joined the line leading into Keroshi Bakery. Nobody was particularly engaging in conversation, each with similar blank stares in different directions; the look associated with accessing a neural interface. He was a bit confused why they seemed so casual being in this unreal environment. To him it was like a secret breakaway civilization. He assumed they must frequent this area, and he wondered what it would take for him to gain uninhibited access to the Presidium. Maybe being a Keroshi client was all that was required? But then again, with the food and drinks and sleeping pods being complementary, it didn't make much sense to him. Kai was not rich, but he certainly wasn't in poverty anymore. Wage gaps weren't as striking as the old-world, where 99% of people were poor and the other 0.1% were billionaires. There was now a more gradual progression in the civilian ranks. Having an abundance of credits meant absolutely nothing without also maintaining an upstanding Social-Score. It was a social economy where your ranking would secure you as an esteemed member of society, and despite the negative aspects, it was fair across the board should you choose to play the game.

"Hello," an older woman smiled at Kai as she passed by, looking at him like a piece of meat. Kai returned the greeting and never saw her again. What a strange place; a greeting of that nature would never occur anywhere else. He redirected his focus to the holograms of all kinds, first to the whale flying near the ceiling and then the koi fish. He got lost in the ripples of the water fountain and his heart warmed at the children's laughter as they exerted their infinite amount of energy. He was happy that nobody told the kids to calm down as they were jumping around, cartwheeling, running and falling all over the place. The customer in the rear of the line nodded ahead, urging Kai to move forward. Inside of the bakery was a strange sight as well: human baristas, all female, and just as bizarre, behind them was the classic style of coffee making contraptions. Why did they utilize tools from the old-world? Also, an establishment not being fully automated by machines wasn't just a rare sight, it was unheard of the last several years. This is paradise, Kai thought to himself.

"Hello! What can I get for you today?" a cute barista asked Kai at the counter. She had to be in her early 20s. She had a normal brown eye and the other was a green bionic eye with computer-like patterns. Kai got flustered, forgetting to look at the menu while in line. He scanned it quickly and picked the first two things that sounded good. Hot white mocha and banana-nut muffin.

"Coming right up!" The girl cheered, overly excited. "Are you new around here?" she asked as she made his drink and placed a muffin in the heater.

"Yeah, I am," Kai said, embarrassed that she could tell. She confirmed his worries that he looked out of place.

"Cool, me too. I've been here for a couple months. I'm still not used to it. I like your tattoo by the way. Here's your drink," she smiled while handing him the hot beverage. She turned around and retrieved his muffin, put it in a small baggie and gave it to him. "I hope to see you again. Have a good night!"

"Bye," Kai smiled at the pretty girl and exited the bakery, impressed by the speed of service and her bubbly friendliness. Now he had to decide where to go next. There were a bunch of seating areas; he chose the closest unoccupied bench that was circular and made of white cobblestone. From this angle he could people-watch without being too out in the open. The bench had nearby containers full of gardenia flowers. The smell was like a time capsule that stirred his emotions. Kai smiled. This place was awesome. He pondered his future companion while the warm food and drink settled inside him.

From where he was sitting, Kai could see more of the Presidium than before. Down near the end of the riverstream was an entrance with neon lights inside that slowly changed color. Above it read CLUB AFTERLIFE in holographic text. This must be the bar that Samantha was talking about. Kai thought about taking a gander, but the fact he was alone kept him sitting at the bench. Only a dork enters a club alone, right? Maybe he would come back with his companion, if they end up getting along. Kai remembered Samantha's warning of most people not being ready for such a relationship. There was pride and ego in Kai's thoughts that he would be able to handle it, but at the same time there was a hesitance. He would hope for the best but approach cautiously, just like the rest of his affairs in life.

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