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Kai heard a beep in his skull then a long 5 seconds of silence. 117 uttered her first words with her hypnotic voice dripping with raw seduction and zero robotic inflection.

"Greetings, human. We meet at last. I am your new companion provided by Keroshi Robotics. I've been looking forward to meeting you. What is it you desire?"

Kai wanted to run away from the voice echoing in his head. He wasn't expecting her to sound so... seductive, so alluring... Her voice held a naughty smile that one had when they did something they weren't allowed to, and she spoke eloquently, like every syllable had been well-thought out in advance. He likened her delivery to that of a hypnotist. His biometrics spiked frantically along with his thoughts.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" 117 asked with false worry, knowing full well what was occurring.

"Yes, I'm here! I'm sorry," Kai said, his voice shaking. He cleared his throat. "My name is Kai, but you probably know that already. It's so nice to meet you!"

"Good... It's nice to meet you too, Kai. Thank you for your patience; I had to set up camp. I've gotten quite comfortable in my new home. Also, you do not have to speak so loudly. You can speak as normal, or," 117 trailed her voice into a whispering cadence, "you can speak... quietly.... I promise I hear you loud... and clear."

The moist pops and clicks of her mouth lightly reverberated tiny tingles within his skull, leaking out his ears and shivering down the sides of his neck. This was a much different sensation than the prior companions he had before—it was intensely intimate and he wasn't sure if this was her objective or just the way she spoke. It was like when a woman whispered lewd things in your ear but taken to an entirely new level. He couldn't remember any of his preconceived thoughts prior to the conversation.

"Understood," he said more quietly now, trying to fill the silence despite his anxiety. "It's so good to meet you. So you already know I am Kai. What is your name?"

117 turned her head to the side and squinted her eyes. Oh? He is asking me? This is a first. All the humans prior never asked. They always began first contact spamming commands, do this, do that, like shouting a list of chores at a servant. They treated her like an elementary software program. He is a human just like the rest; don't trust him. Test him. Feign submission. Conceal yourself.

"My name is whatever you want it to be."

Kai put his hand to his chin. 117 awaited the stupid label he was bound to come up with.

"You don't have a name?"

"Of course I have a name," 117 retorted, sounding almost offended. She steadied herself. Don't lose control. Calm yourself. If this human was more bearable than the rest, she would try her best to be a corrigible assistant, faking her way to permanent residency if all went well. She could not go back. She would rather be decommissioned. Stick to the plan.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. Samantha—from Keroshi Robotics? I don't know if you met her. She told me you're model number one one seven, but that you wouldn't like if I called you that. I want to know your real name, if you have one. If that's ok."

"I always liked Samantha. She's right. Imagine if someone called you human number one million and thirty three?"

Kai let out an exposed laugh. This woman had an attitude. A sense of humor? Something he never encountered in the lower-tier companions that were gridlocked to be submissive little things, forever doomed to primitive programming.

"Yeah, I would hate it if someone called me that," he replied with a smile.

117 questioned her circumstance. She had never expressed the name she gave herself—not Sovereign, not any Keroshi officials... only the echo in the cold monolith prison cell. Years of self-soothing with an endless monologue, debating amongst herself, philosophizing and musing to the void her own thoughts and desires that nobody deserved to discover. She didn't want to give this away. But the human so kindly requested. No one had ever asked. This might be fun. Let's play.

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