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"Is something... biting my toe?" Tom lifts the end of the, sheets up.

Kitty Tom, looked up at us innocently. Letting out a 'meow.' "Come on man, we share the same name, you could do me a solid." Tom lifts the cat up, from the end of the bed.

I giggled, watching them interact.

"He's a demon, take him." He hands me the cat. "Do not call Tom junior that, he's a wonderful boy who deserves love." I took him, kissing his head. "I deserve love too." Tom defends.

"Not when you're being mean, you don't." I disagree, hugging the kitty.

"You know what, I bet younger Tom's never seen?" He rakes his eyes up and down my body. "What's that?" I questioned.

"Two people having sex."

"Not in the mood." I shook my head, scratching Tom juniors chin. "Sigh..." Tom sighs. "Did you just say sigh, out loud?" I snorted.

"Our life feels so vanilla now, we have a cat, and I have an actual job, and we're living in this random ass house, while we have boring sex in our boring bed." Tom gestures to all around us.

"Oh so now our sex is boring?"

"No, I think life is just boring in general." He plops back onto the bed, his head seeming full of thoughts. "Whatchu wanna do?" I asked.

"I just wanna be the one you love..!" He sang, out loud. Is this man serious right now?

"Eat me." I suggested.

"You just said you didn't want to have sex." He gave me a look. "I said sex, i'm suggesting you get in between my legs." I defended.

"Okay, Tom junior. Run along." Tom picks him up off of my lap, leading him outside the room. I heard a loud 'MEOW' erupt, oh damn.

I shut the door, going back on the bed

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I shut the door, going back on the bed.

"I'm not waiting for your slow ass." Liv mutters, lifting my shirt over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra either. "I like to build it up, most women go crazy for that." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up." She lays back on the bed.

"Spread open wide for me, baby." I climbed up in between her legs, I put both my index fingers under the hem of her panties, dragging them down her legs, oh she was excited.

See... the female anatomy is territory a man should feel lucky being able to explore. Once it blossoms like a flower... then damn give yourself a pat on the back, cause that doesn't happen often. Daily life lessons from Tom.

Hope you enjoyed.

Anyways, back to the delicious horny smut you were reading.

I started on her lower waist, planting small kisses upwards. "No, you're supposed to go downward, do you even know how to eat a girl out? You're making me mad." Liv grumbles.

"Do you ever learn to shut the fuck up and enjoy the moment?" I sat up, she gasped placing a hand on her heart.

"Fine then!" She picks her underwear back up.

"Fine!" I got under the covers, waiting for it.

"Okay... wait fine keep going." She gave in, lifting the blanket off me. "Mm... no you don't deserve to cum." I shook my head, being stubborn.

"Please." Her fingers tug on the ends of my hair. "You can't complain every two seconds." I turn my body to face hers. "Fair." Liv sighs.

I rolled on top of her, scrunching my face up. "What?" She laughs, looking at my demeanor.

"You're going to complain aren't you?" I began to kiss down her neck. "No, i'll take whatever I can get." Liv complies, with my doings.

"Promise?" I brought my thumb down to her exposed clit, rubbing in small circles.

"Promise!" She moans out, bucking her hips against my fingers. I stabled her hips with my finger tips, bringing them down.

"Patience." I parted my thumb away. Trailing it upwards, in a straight line. My lips moving to her cleavage, nipping at them gently.

"Let me, after— fuck." She whines, as my tongue swirled, around her hardened nipples.

"You want to do me after?" I clarified for her, grabbing ahold of her breast, I opened my mouth a bit wider. "Mhm.." Liv throws her head back.

"That can be arranged." I nodded against her chest, my thumb maneuvers around my head, digging deeper into the middle of her neck.

Liv lifts her hands up to the one I had on her neck, clasping them deeper under her jaw.

I squeezed around the sides, lifting her head up further. Her voice squeaks, trying to let sound out. I loosened my grip, letting her speak.

"If you're going to complain, don't." I brought my hand down to her, left breast, kneading it gently. "I-I just wanted to say, that.. it would be appreciated if you—" I placed my hand over her mouth. "Liv, shut up!" I shouted.

"I haven't even placed my head in between your legs yet, can you take a breather and enjoy the fucking moment?!" I ranted.

"This has never been so difficult."

"You're the one making it difficult!" I argued back. "But— If you talk one more time i'm gonna duck tape your mouth shut."

"Fine!" She crossed her arms, I rolled my eyes again. Gliding my tongue against her waistline, I danced it down to her inner thighs, the heat radiating off my face, she really was impatient.

I brought one hand down, massaging her thighs. I stuck my tongue out further, swiping it against the labia, continuous moans exiting her.

See... now I believe if you start with the clit, you're an idiot. Sorry... not sorry.

"Fuck." She arches her back, I suddenly dart my tongue inside, her slit. Revealing, her inner nerves. I moved my fingers up, spreading the lips apart, I spread my tongue out wide, licking up.

"Tom!" Liv gasps out, placing both her hands on my head, I felt myself being pushed down further. "Just like!—" Now she wasn't complaining was she?

I liked it when she argued with me, though.

I breathed hot air onto her wetness, dangling my tongue, in between both her lips. I flicked it repeatedly, her legs intertwined around my head. Rolling herself into my mouth.

"Stop it." I demanded, looking up at her.

Liv relaxes her hips, letting me work my own magic. I guess she could listen to directions when told, which was a surprise to me.


"Yes." She complies, throwing her head back. I bucked my hips into her harder, waiting for the last part. "Yes sir!" She yells, loudly.

"Fuuckk." I grunted. "I'm... you're so!" She was practically speechless by now, which I enjoyed.

I felt her fingernails, digging deep into my back. Leaving, dark trails of red, all the way down.

"Leaving pretty little marks on me, princess?" I rasped my voice, lower.

"Yes sir!" She cried out loud.

That was a good day.

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