Chapter 2

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You both sat on the edge of your bed, a heavy silence hanging in the air as you tended to his wounds without exchanging a word."What the heck happened to you?" you exclaimed, rushing towards the boy on the floor. "E-Eunah," he whispered."We need to get to the infirmary right now," you insisted, ready to leave, but he grabbed your wrist, halting you. "N-no, you can't. Let others know about this, at least not now. Wait until my parents come back, then we can report it," he groaned. You attempted to resist, but he managed to convince you, and instead, you brought him home, treating his wounds. Uncertain if stitches were needed, you did your best to clean and care for his injuries in the meantime.You couldn't meet his gaze as tears welled up in your eyes, and you continued cleaning his arm with a cloth. Your tears fell onto your hands, and you wiped them away with frustration. "Eun-ah," he called, but you couldn't find the strength to respond."Hey, look at me," he said, lifting your chin with his other hand. "Stop crying. I'm fine."You interrupted him, "NO, YOU'RE NOT. Stop pretending everything is fine because it's not," you said, now openly crying. "I'll make sure they pay for this.""You will do no such thing. We will complain in the right way. You don't need to do anything, got it?" he asked, but you remained silent. "Got it?" he repeated more firmly, and you simply nodded in acknowledgment.Later that evening, he reluctantly informed his parents about the incident. While he expected support, it felt like his parents, especially his father, were least bothered. All the parents got involved, and the matter was settled with a shallow and insincere apology. What hurt Hyunsu the most was the apparent lack of concern from his own parents. Despite your constant support, witnessing his own family treat him like that took a toll on him.The following week, Hyunsu returned to school, and your request to shift to his class was granted. You stayed by his side both at school and home, offering comfort during the challenging times. However, a new source of concern emerged when you began receiving letters. The social centers had become aware of your situation. You were returning from the washroom, making your way to your class, when you noticed a group of people talking to your homeroom teacher. As you entered the class, you felt the weight of everyone's gaze on you. Your eyes moved from the teacher to Hyunsoo, who was already looking at you."Kim Eun-ah, that would be your name, right?" a woman asked. "Let's step out of the classroom," the teacher suggested. The sinking feeling in your stomach confirmed what you feared - a visit to the social center. There seemed to be no other option. They informed you that all your belongings would be transferred to the orphanage. Glancing at Hyunsoo, you found his eyes cast down. The hushed whispers of your classmates reached your ears, but at that moment, their opinions were the least of your concerns.

You were returning from the washroom heading to your class when you saw few people talking to your homeroom teacher. As soon as you entered the class all eyes were on you. You looked at the teacher first then to Hyunsoo who was already looking at you.

It's been two months since you've been here you lost contact with Hyunsoo. Just one more week you would be 18 then you could finally leave this hell hole. Kids above the age of 14 were made to do social work but it was just another dirty method to earn money, they didn't give 2 shits about the kids. Your aunt doesn't have the right to adopt you either because of some bs.

The moment you turned 18 you signed all the papers you went to your old apartment and knocked on Hyunsoo's house. Someone else opened the door. 'Umm is Hyunsoo here?' you asked, 'I don't who is that' replied the woman, shit they must have shifted, 'What happen to the previous owner?' you asked, 'Ohh don't you know they died in a car crash' she whispered to you, your just blanked out you could hear her tell you about how she was offered the house at a less price, 'Thank you' you bowed before leaving.

You rushed to your school the next day to get his uncles contact number. You got it with the help of your class president, he also gave you your belongings you left in the your locker. Few books which you immediately gave away but among thru rubbish was a bracelet. Hyunsoo, he had made it for you. You were about to leave but you saw Don Kim playing football. Well, you're leaving anyway. Why leave silently? You asked one of his friends to call him. He came to you pausing the game. 'Ohh damn guess who is here for me' he said you just smiled at him, 'Um why don't we go over there for privacy I've something to tell you' you say poitning behind the school building, he smirked at you getting the idea and following you. After reaching, 'So what is it that you wanted to say to me?' he said coming close to you, 'You pout at him, 'This' you say kicking him in the balls, and then his face with your knees. He fell down, you grabbed him by his collar and decked him in the face, pulled him up again and punched him again, you did this for a few times just to make sure his nose broke. In my defence you were just helping him get a nose job that would be if he has one after this. Your fingers were all bloody wiping it off and making sure there is no blood in your clothes you leave

As soon as you were out of the school you immediately got Hyunsoo's uncle's number and contacted him.

'Don't ask me about that ungrateful brat, he didn't show a bit of remorse' Hyunsoo didn't die in the accident, but where was he. 'Please, uncle, just help me with this' after a lot of begging you found out he has moved into some motel because he used his parents' credit card over there, a week ago to be exact. You reschedule the motel. Thinking to yourself that how such a sweet loving boy could end up in this ditch.

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