Chapter 3

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You walked into the apartment-like place, clutching your duffle bag tightly. As you approached what seemed to be a security cabin, a foul odor hit your senses, causing you to crinkle your face in disgust.

"Have you booked a room here?" the security personnel inquired. "Oh, um, no. I'm here to see someone," you responded. "Then you have to register down here," he directed. "By the way, you look young, are you perhaps an idol?" he asked, stepping out of the cabin with a stuffed piece of cotton in his nose. "You're really pretty," he added, getting uncomfortably close. In response, you quickly backed off, bowed, and headed towards the elevator, feeling uneasy about the creepy encounter.

The place looked kinda run-down, with dirt and stuff all over, but it seemed like the rent was cheap. You had some strange moments, like seeing a lady pushing an empty baby stroller - that really gave you the creeps. As you walked down the halls, you could hear a girl crying; the walls were so thin. Walking by Room 1409 and then finally Room 1410, you prayed that it would be him on the other side, not some unsettling 50-year-old individuals. Summoning all your courage, you pressed the doorbell. Shuffling noises reached your ears, and soon after, the door swung open.

You found yourself just staring at the boy, a flood of emotions overwhelming you. You weren't one to easily shed tears, but there they were, streaming down your face. Despite the intense wave of feelings, you refused to break eye contact with the boy. His appearance left you in shock - his hair grown out, bags under his tired eyes, a weariness that seemed to cling to him. There was a pause, a hesitation in his movements, but then he slowly extended his hand and tenderly caressed your cheek, softly uttering, 'Eunah.'Closing the door behind you, a rush of emotions burst forth. You shoved his chest, unable to contain the torrent of emotions. Sobbing uncontrollably, you dropped your bags. With balled fists, you kept hitting him, each strike filled with the weight of questions and hurt. "You promised you would come find me," you exclaimed, "Where were you all this while? How could you cut off contact with me?" Despite your onslaught, he remained still, not moving an inch. He reached out, gripping your wrists to prevent the hits."I'm sorry," he whispered, a simple yet profound apology. Slowly, he pulled you into an embrace, and all you could do was cling tightly to his shirt. His arms wrapped around your neck and waist, drawing you in closer. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, his body shaking with sobs as he mumbled apologies. In that moment, the complexity of emotions between you both unfolded, and the years of separation seemed to momentarily dissolve in the warmth of the embrace. Then, he broke down into sobs, murmuring apologies between each .

Seeing him, the one who was always cheerful, cry like this broke your heart. His tears flowed uncontrollably, and it was evident that he was in deep pain. As you pulled apart to look at him, the realization struck you - his parents. Not that he cared much, but the weight of his struggles became clearer. You held onto his hands as he continued to cry, his eyes cast down. Leaning forward, he placed his head on your shoulder, still sobbing. Guiding him inside, both of you sat on his bed, his tears continuing to flow. You brushed his hair backward, recognizing that he was still as handsome as ever. "Please don't leave me again. I'm sorry I couldn't come to get you, but please don't leave me," he cried onto your shoulder.

"I never wanted to leave you," he whispered amid sobs, his voice filled with remorse. "Things got complicated, and I didn't know how to reach out. I thought I was protecting you."You listened, absorbing the pain in his words. The room, with its thin walls and mysterious occurrences, faded into the background as you focused on the person in front of you - the one you had longed to see, missed, and unexpectedly found."I'm sorry for hitting you," you confessed, realizing the futility of your anger. "I was just scared and angry that you vanished without a trace. I didn't know what happened to you."Lifting his head from your shoulder, his red and puffy eyes met yours. "I should've found a way to let you know I was okay. I promise, Eunah, but please don't leave like that ever again."

All you could do was hug him tightly, now being the one to apologize, promising silently that you wouldn't let go.

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