Rakata Prime

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"The star forge," Revan said. "That's the superweapon you and Malak used," Anaka asked. "Yes," Revan replied, "it once belonged to the ancient rakata, and their Infinite Empire, now all that remains is the planet below, Rakata Prime." "How does it work," Mission asked. "Using the power of the sun, and the dark side of the force, it could hypothetically create an infinite number of ships, and droids," Revan said, "but it comes at a cost, one that Malak realised too late. The power of the star forge has consumed him." "How do we destroy it," Carth asked. "I do not know," Revan said, "last time I was here, the ancient rakata told me that it was indestructible, theoretically the only way to shut it down would to give it no power source to run on." "Destroy the power source," Anaka said, "destroy the sun that it runs on. How would you do that?" "I do not know," Revan admitted, "regardless we must make planetfall." "Why," Anaka asked. "You will see," Revan said. "I'll send the coordinates out to the republic," Carth said. "Wait," Revan said, "don't. Not yet." "Revan," Anaka warned. "I'm not trying to kill you," Revan muttered, "the planet has a gravitational disruptor on the surface, if a battle here is to be successful, we will have to disable it." "The sith will be made aware of our presense though," Carth said. "We do not have a choice," Revan said, "just go." Carth looked at Anaka for confirmation, she nodded and they headed to the planet. As they approached, they were pulled down. "Now do you see why," Revan said, "it is better that it was just us, instead of the whole republic military." 

Rakata Prime:

They were approaching the planet surface at frightening speed. "Aim for the water," Revan said, "I will try hold the ship together with the force." Revan extended him hands and began concentrating. "Brace for impact," Carth yelled, there was a loud splashing noise before Carth leaned back. "The ship is likely heavily damaged, we'll have to assess it and see what we can find here," Carth said. The hanger door lowered as Revan, Carth and Anaka walked out to assess the damages. "It's not too bad," Anaka said, "we will speak with the others." They walked back inside the Ebon Hawk. "The damage is not too great," Anaka announced, "there will be two parties, one that goes and searches for a way to shut off the gravitational disruptor, the other party will go search for parts to fix the ship. Carth, Revan and I will go to shut down the gravitational disruptor as Revan knows where to find it, while Juhani, Canderous, Mission and Zaalbar will go to find ship parts, and the droids will guard the ship. Go get ready, dismissed." 

"You wanted to speak to me Revan," Canderous said as he walked into the garage, where they had first spoken on the Ebon Hawk. "Yes," Revan said, as he put the welder down that he was using on his helmet, "if everything goes according to my plan, I will not return to the republic with the rest of this ship. And I need your help." "What do you need," Canderous asked. "There is a threat out there," Revan said, "in the unknown regions, far greater than anything the galaxy has faced, greater than Malak. It was the reason I waged this war in the first place, this threat was also the cause of the Mandolorian Wars. Whether I have returned and failed, or returned and succeeded, or I do not return, I need an army that I can rely on to fight this threat. Whether that be alongside me or not, we will see." "What are you asking," Canderous said, knowing full well what Revan was asking of him. "I need you to reunite the Mandolorian clans and prepare them for war," Revan said, as he pulled out a maping sequence that lead to a distant planet, "this map will lead you to the distant planet of Rekkiad, where in the tomb of the old sith lord, Lord Dramath the II, you will find the mask of Mandalore the Ultimate, with that you will be able to reunite the clans." Canderous took the map. "I will not fail you Revan," Canderous said, "I promise you that much." "Thank you," Revan said, "I do not ask this of you as your friend, or even as Revan, but because I am one of you." Revan pulled out his Mandolorian pendant, the Mythosaur shined in the dim lighting. "I-," Canderous's words failed him, "it's ironic how our greatest ever enemy was one of our own. What clan are you?" "Visula," Revan said, "from my father, and my mother was siblings with Mandalore the Ultimate." "Incredible," Canderous said, "how were you not indoctrinated then?" "I never swore the creed," Revan said, "my parents were exiled to Concord Dawn, and I don't think any of the other Mandolorians were made aware of my birth, as Mandalore the Ultimate left my parents of that planet to rot. Eventually, the jedi found me and they would murder my parents when they refused to give me up." "How many people are aware of your true nature," Canderous asked. "With you that makes 4," Revan said, "my former Jedi master Kreia, she found me and hid the truth from the other masters. My old friend, Meetra Surik, she worked it out when we were kids from my last name. And then Anaka, who was told by Meetra to try get her to join us again. Of course my parents knew, and I told Mandalore the Ultimate before challenging him to a duel above Malachor V. No one else knows, not Malak, not Bastila. I'd like to keep it that way." "Of course," Canderous said, "I will take your secret to the grave." 

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