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" ooh, never thought i would be without you
i wish you love, i wish you well
i wish you roses while you can still smell 'em"

TRACK 008 :
i wish you roses
— kali uchis ⊹ ࣪

please don't kill me guys im
just a girl!!! 😥😓

JOBE HAD AGREED to meet up with a certain someone on Sunday at a fast food restaurant named 'All Aboard!'. The colour scheme of the restaurant was navy blue, white and gold. It was kind of based on being in a cruise considering how the outside had circle windows.
He chose not to tell Camelia anything since it was something he taught she didn't need to know. But, it felt weird considering that they usually never fail to spare every detail going on in their lives. Since he felt guilty, Jobe decided to tell her after they met up.
The restaurant was fairly empty when he walked in. Jobe remembered this place. This was where him and the certain someone met on their first date. He looked over at the booth where they used to usually sit and saw an old couple.

While he looked around to find the girl, she noticed and raised her hand as a signal. Her hair was in braids but, the first thing Jobe noticed was the hot pink crop top he had bought and the grey sweats she wore when he first stayed over at her house.
"Hi." she said. You could tell she was anxious as she was playing with the promise ring Jobe bought her.
"I never took it off." she said noticing his eyes were stuck on the ring. All of the memories flowed through his mind. When they first met, when they went on their first date, when they both met each other's families. Everything.

You couldn't deny that Jobe still had feelings for her. It really did hurt him when they broke up in August. And yes, he was bold with Camelia and acting as if he wanted her in which, he did. He still does but, at that time he thought that finding someone else was the better choice. He thought that finding a replacement would repair the damage caused.
Yet, he was still scared to be in a relationship with Camelia. The thought of the damage being repaired just for it to be bulldozed was something he didn't want him or Camelia to experience again.
Despite still liking her, he still felt slightly attached to Camelia.

"So uhm," he coughed, breaking the silence. "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry. We were in a bad place and instead of us atleast attempting to work things out, I let go of us. I'll do better this time. Seeing you with that girl-"
"Camelia. Her name is Camelia."
"Camelia. Seeing you with her made me realize how important you are to me. I'm willing to try again if you are. You're my twin flame. What we had, no one could compare."

If you told post breakup Jobe that he had to choose between Camelia Rodríguez and the so called "love of his life", he would've laughed in your face.
"Soreigna. Look-"

They were soon interrupted by the sound of the waitress footsteps approaching. Soreigna flinched hearing how high pitched the waiter's voice was.
"Hello you two! Can I get you anything?"

Jobe wasn't planning on staying long. He just wanted to set things straight and go home.
"I'll just have fries. Small."
"I'll have the same."

The waitress chuckled, assuming the two were a couple.
"Aww aren't you two the cutest?"
"Oh! No we aren't -"
"Thank you! We've been together for a while!" Soreigna said.

The waitress smiled and walked away while Jobe just stared at Soreigna.
"Rei what the fuck?"
"Well we are together now, aren't we?"
"Look Rei, I can't."

#𝐃𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄, jobe bellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now